Just some clips I put together showing off morph and other stuff. Sorry the music kinda got messed up for some reason and started replaying a bit.
Remember when we got to play together and it was monumental and we really were equally skilled and it was glitchy as hell but fun and we were gonna play a lot more often? Yeah...
You mean back in Brotherhood?
And now my exams are over so im pretty keen to stat playing more, wolfpack anyone? I tried playing with randoms the other day.
Got to round 6. Enough said there.
I'll play Wolfpack with you I got to Sequence 15 on my first attempt. Synching kills is important, and chasing down the Extra Target (random target that has +30 Seconds Time on him) is better to do with just a high profile kill in my experience. I don't think it matters what bonuses he gives you, the reason you're killing him is for the extra time. I've saved my team so many times by immediately focusing only on him and letting the rest of them do whatever. It's nice to have roles, sort of.
You mean back in Brotherhood?
I played Wolfpack on my own and got to Sequence 8. My friend was AFK (or would it be "AFC"?) during the session, which is why I was on my own. Usually when I play with my other clan (sorry guys), we get to about Sequence 20, give or take.
haha I always ask people what AFK means when they use PS3 boards... anyway I have beaten the normal one (sequence 25) solo and I would like to do it co op, PSN is still Phatmole, il be free most of today and I will probably make a seperate topic for this when im free.
As for extra time, depends on where he spawns. If he is far from the targets, go for the targets first, so that by the time you slowly kill your targets he might have walked a little closer. Also if you leave him too long he dissapears so keep that in mind. I might even do a solo wolfpack video on Hardcore once I get good at it if anyone is interested.
I'm interested in everything AC3 multiplayer.
My current ability set for Assassinate or Deathmatch, and my reasoning behind it is this.
I'm open to criticism and advice.
You may want to go with poison at the start in Assassinate, simply get a pursuer by running around in front of a noob, when he chases you smoke him near a blend spot to stun him, then get a hidden silent focus poison on him. Then you can go back to decoy, poison goes for variety. In fact you could also start out with the pistol as well for the pistol bonus, possibly mid air or an easier execution bonus, then swap back to knives, knives are good for stunning in this game as well.
Many thanks for the tips. One thing that really helps is going for my Bonuses (Poison, Focus etc.) so I can get Variety Bonuses which boost score a huge amount. Your tips seem focused on getting that done easier. The fact that you can switch Ability Sets in between every death and kills carry over from one Ability Set to another is amazing.