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Best Trailer of E3?

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Calvar The Blade's picture
Calvar The Blade
Joined: 11/21/2010

For me, it was hands down this one:

the posts a bit guy

Jfighter777's picture
Joined: 10/16/2010

Honestly, none yelled: "GREAT GAME!!!" to me... Watch_Dogs gameplay trailer was very informative; its CGI trailer was good. Dragon Age 3 trailer was nice; Mirror's Edge 2 trailer was GREAT, but mostly because it confirmed the game, same with SW:BF3 teaser.

Titanfall looked like another CoD (abeit with mechs), CoD looked like CoD; skipped BF4 trailer.

Calvar The Blade's picture
Calvar The Blade
Joined: 11/21/2010

As someone who plays a lot of shooters, Titanfall doesn't play anything like CoD. Tons of shooters have added mechs as powerups, but never as something that any player can use at one time, and never in such a balanced and varied way. The movement in that game looks amazing. Mirror's Edge wallruns when you're out of your mech, quick sidesteps and dashes when you're in it.

Watching actual gameplay of that game is the only way to really get how much of a change it is, no trailer will make you understand.

the posts a bit guy

Double McStab with Cheese's picture
Double McStab w...
San Diego, CA
Joined: 03/29/2012

I don't game enough to have watched a lot of trailers. I only watched the AC trailers and was happy with what I saw (which I have documented elsewhere).

Yesterday I finally looked at the trailer for the other game I was interested in this season ... Watch_Dogs.

I must say, I was more impressed with their other trailers than the gameplay one at E3. Yes, I understood that there would be cars involved, etc... but half the trailer felt too much like GTA:Police-State-Chicago. I don't need 1.5 minutes of a trailer focused on a guy driving a car talking on the phone stopping at stoplights. Sure, it showed stealthiness, but it didn't do it for me. Once he got OUT of the car, however, that was great. Loved hacking into the security cameras to direct NPCs, etc. I just wonder how soon the hacking of everything opens up gameplay wise... and what the penalty for it is. I mean, couldn't you just cause city-wide blackouts the whole game to accomplish everything? ha

“Force has no place where there is need of skill." Herodotus

Jfighter777's picture
Joined: 10/16/2010

I'll take your word for it Calvar; I'll dig into it a bit more. I would think that they would try to convey this better with the trailer. Because the trailer made me think of CoD HUD with mechs and jumpjets. But, I'll look a bit closer. I need more Fall games, anyways.