Hi! guys. Finally, I gathered the courage to join the Brotherhood. Beginning last year, I always following this site. Initially I saw Ian & Stabguy videos on Youtube, and then link to this forum. But because of my poor English, so I never join the discussion.
A few days ago I saw Natalia's AC2 subjects, I don't know what's wrong with me, my impulse let me go to register and post comments. Maybe I should come here to say hello, even seems a bit late.
During these times, I made a lot of videos. I try to avoid repeating the video on this site and take the "THB" style. If no brotherhood and everyone's dedication, I can not make these videos. So, I hope my videos and I have learned everything to provide the Brotherhood.
I sincerely Invite everyone to check my videos on Youtube, and give me advice. If you have any questions, just let me know and I will try to provide instructions.
Here is my Channel URL:
I hope you will like it!
I welcome you again MAGLX!
You helped us a lot already! Good you decide to start posting now. Don't be shy about the bad english, I too don't have english as my first language
I hope you will check out AC4 as well =3
Welcome MAGLX!
I hope you stay here for a long time, thanks for joining the Brotherhood!
I love your videos so far, and they're very impressive.
Before I even knew very much about you, I posted one to my Facebook wall with this comment;
A few days ago I saw Natalia's AC2 subjects, I don't know what's wrong with me, my impulse let me go to register and post comments.
It's difficult to resist a THB woman. The men, as well. Have you seen us?? WE'RE FLIPPIN' GORGEOUS!
I welcome you again MAGLX!You helped us a lot already! Good you decide to start posting now. Don't be shy about the bad english, I too don't have english as my first language
I hope you will check out AC4 as well =3
Thank you again for your invaluable support. Just hope AC4 will have more than enough interesting for us to explore.
Welcome MAGLX!
I hope you stay here for a long time, thanks for joining the Brotherhood!
I love your videos so far, and they're very impressive.Before I even knew very much about you, I posted one to my Facebook wall with this comment;
Hi! Leo, so glad you liked It.
MAGLX wrote:
A few days ago I saw Natalia's AC2 subjects, I don't know what's wrong with me, my impulse let me go to register and post comments.It's difficult to resist a THB woman. The men, as well. Have you seen us?? WE'RE FLIPPIN' GORGEOUS!
You really humorous, JoeyFogey. Nice to meet you.
Thank you guys, for your warm and generous. Cheers.