Tell me if this is odd, but the closer ACB comes to its release date, the more I'm having dreams of playing it. Two times this week, I've been running around Rome, calling BAM moves, and assassinating targets as myself. I'm not necessarily complaining of this experience, but I think the Bleeding Effect is affecting me.
Lol, well, earlier I was walking home in the rain, with the hood on my jacket up, and I was pretending I was Ezio, invisible to all those around me. Does that count?
I always overthink things while I'm by myself and today while at work I started thinking about what I'd do if the shop got robbed or broken into. I was out the back at the time and there's a row of a garages with a low wall next to them and I pictured the thieves (or whatever) escaping out the back by the garages. I decided that if this happened I'd climb onto the low wall, jump onto the garage rooves (parallel with the escaping thieves below) and run along them, before leaping off onto one of the robbers and air assassinating him.
Then I remembered the shop wasn't going to get robbed, I'm not an Assassin, and I don't own a Hidden Blade.
lol i had something similar except it was a dream of the start od uncharted 2 except it was ACB ezio and the train was still moving and i was shooting hidden blades rather than bullets and also some matrix style slow mo movements for some unknown reason XD DAMN U ACB SYNDROME T_T
Earlier this month... I can't remember what day it was. I had a dream of myself walking through a endless open range filled with a yellow grass field.... similar to the scene of the Appenine Mountains from AC2 and the Kingdom in AC1... medieval towers and a blue stream ahead
Awe too much nostalgia.....
After my uni exams I couldnt stop dreaming about accounting work. It was horrible
Haha, this is getting creative! I'm glad I posted this!
I read about stab sitting on a bench and his wife couldn't see him in an earlier thread. We really need to train for this.
One month ago i dreamed that i was the best apprentice of ezio, than he made me a master assassin...
Than he and me started to work togheter, i help him assassinate his targets and he my targets.
it was so cool.
Haha, this is getting creative! I'm glad I posted this!![]()
I read about stab sitting on a bench and his wife couldn't see him in an earlier thread. We really need to train for this.
What, he didn't try to bench assassinate her? (go for high profile, go for high profile) But then she might call for Ezio, and there would have been one major beat up event.
As for me, I don't really have much luck with assassins sleep, except during a time when I was unable to play ac1 (the xbox360 wasn't working, and I didn't get really far in the game). I think I either had a dream about being Altair or being in a desert place where there were guards or templars.
I really want a dream about Assassin's Creed. I'm going to try and make myself dream about it tonight
I've got work again tomorrow though so maybe I'll have another daydream about it while out the back
Few days ago, I saw a dream about Assassin's Creed. I saw me with the Assassin's costume flying Leonardo's flying machine above my hometown. It was quite strange to think that, in the meanwhile, my mind was "playing" the soundtrack of that mission in Assassin's Creed 2. I was almost late at school that day cause of this dream!
I haven't been dreaming about it, but for about 3 weeks now my very first thought when I wake up is how many days I have still to wait before I get my hands on the game.....
I went outside and a tree was glowing. No lie. I freaked out, then I blinked a few times and I realized that it was just Christmas lights..
So I'm walking around my college campus alone with only a couple of people besides me walking, too. For no reason, I'd hear the multiplayer chase music going off in my head, the sound hat lets you know you're about to be shot, and a lot of other of the sounds buzz through my head. It makes me paranoid as hell.
I thought you were going to say you gentle pushed them and started waving your arms around in dramatic gestures to blend in, and accidentally steal their money as you fast walk out of the group.
Okay, first post here. I've been lurking for a while, but I just HAD to reply to this.
I take huge interest in dreams. I record them and all that. I also have been doing something called 'lucid dreaming' the past few years. It's becoming aware of the fact that you're dreaming while you're dreaming. Then you can take control and do anything you want. It's awesome because it's as real as real life. (Become an assassin, anyone?) In case you're thinking I'm some kind of weirdo, lucid dreaming has been proven to be possible by Stephen LaBerge in the nineties. See here.
The fact that you're dreaming of something like Brotherhood isn't a problem at all. Most likely, you're thinking about it a lot and this is the kind of stuff that finds its way into dreams. If you thing about, I don't know, clocks a lot, then your dreams will most likely feature clocks.
According to most theories on the function of dreams, dreams are also used as a sort of memory processor, so even though you might not think about AC:B too much, you can still dream about it if you've played it.
Studies show that there is a sort of 'backlash' in your dreams in incorporating events from reality. I haven't experienced this myself. Au contraire, most of the events I experience the same night, but this could be due to them having an impact on me.
On the topic of dream incubation, it's possible, but very unreliable. You also would have little control over where the dream is going. It seems better to me to just learn lucid dreaming (which also has practical applications like problem solving) and the change the dream into something about Assassin's Creed. Do note that lucid dreaming requires some effort, as does dream control. Nevertheless, I heartily recommend it, it's mind-blowingly awesome once you're actually in a dream and you realise: "I'm actually lying in bed right now, yet I'm still experiencing this multi-sensory realer-than-real world." Studies also show gamers have a head start in lucid dreaming, so you can utilize the advantage.
You can take a look here to read more on it and actually find information that helps you in learning the art.
Yea, okay, but have you been playing Assassin's Creed in your lucid dream? Does it improve your AC skills?
Yea, okay, but have you been playing Assassin's Creed in your lucid dream? Does it improve your AC skills?
Well I've been trying out Jack's hard mode idea for ACB and playing a lot more multiplayer than usual. There hasn't been much improvement, though.
Glad you brought that up, though, as I've been looking at lucid dreaming the past year or so. I've always been interested in that stuff myself.
I've been dreaming about ac2 and Brotherhood since this topic was created. I guess either I'm more anxious to play Brotherhood or the bleeding effect has finally taken a hold on me. (I only play for days at a time, lol)
I haven't actually played Assassin's Creed. Playing as an assassin and being an assassin are two completely different things, and as such my skill with the games has not improved. Besides, I haven't done it that much. I've been more busy with... other things. And by "other things", I don't mean flying and finding out stuff about my dreams.
On the topic of skill improvement, it has been shown to be possible. Not real training, like lifting weights, but so-called 'muscle-memory' (which resides in the brain ) helps.
Today one of my mates said: "You totally won't be able to keep up with me when we go skiing in February."
Maybe I'll take him up on the challenge and do a lot of skiing. It'll also be nice to see if I improve and in what quantity. I wonder if I'm able to teach myself an advanced technique like carving.
If I get back into lucid dreaming shape, that is. My dream recall's been horrible.
Also, when my buddies and I gamed for 20 hours straight with Brotherhood Multiplayer, if we could remember our dreams, they were about AC:B, so you can bet that playing the game a long time will have some effect.
I'm still having dreams about playing AC3. Last night, it was about me attacking Redcoats in Boston with the reported fluidity Connor apparently has. Then, I was running up trees and free running through the branches. I spotted a bear below me before I woke up. O_O
Don't think about it so damn much.
Don't think about it so damn much.
I'm not trying to! I haven't even played the games recently.
I'm still having dreams about playing AC3. Last night, it was about me attacking Redcoats in Boston with the reported fluidity Connor apparently has. Then, I was running up trees and free running through the branches. I spotted a bear below me before I woke up. O_O
Not a dream, but every time I see a brick building or old church (which is a lot in the Northeast US), my first thought is, "what is the best way to approach climbing this thing?" and I start looking for handholds.
Not a dream, but every time I see a brick building or old church (which is a lot in the Northeast US), my first thought is, "what is the best way to approach climbing this thing?" and I start looking for handholds.
This. All the time.
Most of the time when changing classes in school.There is a giant crowd of out-of-lessons kids flooding the halls.So i use the skills taught to me by my favorite video game franchise that has led me here.
Gentle push
Most of the time when changing classes in school.There is a giant crowd of out-of-lessons kids flooding the halls.So i use the skills taught to me by my favorite video game franchise that has led me here.Gentle push
I use air-to-assassinate. For some reason, that's frowned upon.
I have done the "Sprint then as soon as you hit a crowd, release the button and gentle push through" thing so many times when chasing a targ- Friend to his house. Also. The whole. Parkour/climbing buildings thing even before AC. Yeah. Haha ^_^
Also not a dream...
Saw a feather, picked it up, walked with it for about 30 seconds before I realized I had no need to collect feathers in my real life.
You could have given the feather to Ian...
Also not a dream. I find when holding knives (or anything sharp) and in visible lines of sight of others, I tend to tuck the object into/behind my sleeve. Something about people being aware of potential danger dampens my spirits...