The only major problem I have with the mission is that you can see every single ship on fire and starting to sink, but your ship is completely spotless, without any damage or even some soot or ash lying around. Also, wouldn't destroying an entire harbor deprive a lot of fishermen and merchants of their livelihoods, not to mention their lives? I always thought assassins weren't supposed to cause ancilliary fatalities.
Every ship in the harbour was part of the templar blockade, and Ezio's ship was not very close to the burning ships and smoke for very long. Maybe there should have been some soot deposits, but that's one of those really minor details that they might put in as a few black textures on the ship, but that most people won't even notice, anyway.
what also is possible is to poison a guard at the back then kill the 2 in front but then you have 2 possibilities they see you but then you kill them there only 2 or the don´t see you then you go to them and stab them.
and with the bombs if you do´t wan´t them don´t use them.
what also is possible is to poison a guard at the back then kill the 2 in front but then you have 2 possibilities they see you but then you kill them there only 2 or the don´t see you then you go to them and stab them.and with the bombs if you do´t wan´t them don´t use them.
Or you could distract the first two with the Gypsies (new courtesans, since prostitution was outlawed in Constantinople. And then sneak around those other guards, simply by going to the right around the lighthouse, not the left.
davinci9 wrote:
what also is possible is to poison a guard at the back then kill the 2 in front but then you have 2 possibilities they see you but then you kill them there only 2 or the don´tI see you then you go to them and stab them.and with the bombs if you do´t wan´t them don´t use them.
Or you could distract the first two with the Gypsies (new courtesans, since prostitution was outlawed in Constantinople. And then sneak around those other guards, simply by going to the right around the lighthouse, not the left.
Indeed. But as i said, the Devs just didn't do that because they wanted to show the new features and not something we already know, such as the Gypsies (that works exactly like the courtesans).
EDIT: I agree with you davinci9. There are so many people complaining about the bombs, but if they don't like them, simply don't use them...
Danpii, it's not so much about the bombs as well as about what direction the gameplay is taking off in. The bombs are a symptom, not the problem.
there is a super fail in the trailer the guards carry ezio but he must go on a wooden ladder
it´s a bit of the topic but i just wan´t to say did anyone noted that
Phi, I'm not saying just about the bombs, this is just an example.
But as Calvar said, thosse new features are there to encourage more creative gameplay.
In the demo there are so many ways to do that mission, they choosed the "offensive" one because they want to attract more people. Do you think that making a stealthy demo would attract as many people as a violent one ?
Also, being stealthy and using courtesans, poison and stuff like that, we already know how it works, so this demo showed us new ways to do the mission (such as using bombs, hookblade, etc) and not the only way to do it. These new features will allow us to have more ways to do a mission.
You can choose into being stealthy OR being offensive OR being half and half, etc.
With the hookblade, maybe I'm just being dim but how can that work? I mean it's fine when he's going down the line but then when he gets to the end he is still off the ground so surely can't unhook himself and would just hang there? Is there some physics I'm missing?
With the hookblade, maybe I'm just being dim but how can that work? I mean it's fine when he's going down the line but then when he gets to the end he is still off the ground so surely can't unhook himself and would just hang there? Is there some physics I'm missing?
You're forgetting that Ezio can do things no other human can. He defies the laws of gravity and physics. All with a bad Italian accent.
Will M 1235 wrote:
With the hookblade, maybe I'm just being dim but how can that work? I mean it's fine when he's going down the line but then when he gets to the end he is still off the ground so surely can't unhook himself and would just hang there? Is there some physics I'm missing?You're forgetting that Ezio can do things no other human can. He defies the laws of gravity and physics. All with a bad Italian accent.
You reminded me of this post :
With the hookblade, maybe I'm just being dim but how can that work? I mean it's fine when he's going down the line but then when he gets to the end he is still off the ground so surely can't unhook himself and would just hang there? Is there some physics I'm missing?
I'm pretty sure that it will have an ability to "unhook" on the zipline.
In the demo, it looked as if he simply shoved up his arm at the last second to get off.
In the demo, it looked as if he simply shoved up his arm at the last second to get off.
Yeah i see.
But i'm almost sure it'll work the same as the Parachute.
It'll have 3 ways to get down:
1st - By pressing the "assassinate" button and assassinating someone. (Square or X)
2nd - By pressing Circle(ps3) or B(xbox) to "unhook". (In brotherhood if you press Circle or B you'll release the parachute and start falling.
3rd - Wait til you get auto-unhooked, just as in Brotherhood with the parachute, when you get really close to a surface the parachute is auto-released.
In the demo, it looked as if he simply shoved up his arm at the last second to get off.
Well since the hookblade is wrapped around the line, moving the arm upwards would unhook it, right? Seems logical.
: P
JoeyFogey wrote:
In the demo, it looked as if he simply shoved up his arm at the last second to get off.Well since the hookblade is wrapped around the line, moving the arm upwards would unhook it, right? Seems logical.
: P
Maybe the hookblade has a tiny hinge in it so all Ezio has to do to unhook himself is retract the blade.
I still have almost sure that the Hookblade will work just like the parachute.
As i said:
It'll have 3 ways to get down:
1st - By pressing the "assassinate" button and assassinating someone. (Square or X)
2nd - By pressing Circle(ps3) or B(xbox) to "unhook". (In brotherhood if you press Circle or B you'll release the parachute and start falling.
3rd - Wait til you get auto-unhooked, just as in Brotherhood with the parachute, when you get really close to a surface the parachute is auto-released.
IMO, it is the most likely to be.
Maybe the hookblade has a tiny hinge in it so all Ezio has to do to unhook himself is retract the blade.
No, it's still a hook when it retracts. We've seen that.
Just something to note, it looks like Ezio can assassinate from a full hanging position now. It's at 4:51.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think you could do that before.
Also, did anyone notice that the commentary says this happens halfway through the game, and that it also says Ezio's about to get his last seal? Does this mean that getting whatever Altair locked away is not going to be the end of the game?
Just something to note, it looks like Ezio can assassinate from a full hanging position now. It's at 4:51.Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think you could do that before.
Hmm, i hadn't noticed that, but i think you're right.
Also, did anyone notice that the commentary says this happens halfway through the game, and that it also says Ezio's about to get his last seal? Does this mean that getting whatever Altair locked away is not going to be the end of the game?
I don't know, i'm still betting on some kind of surprise where the game jumps ahead 20 years and you play as Ezio's son(or daughter). At the very least i hope we get to see who Altair's son/Dominco's father is, that is the one mystery that's haunted me since AC2.
I'm sure Ubi will put in some of their best writing chops for the last half of the game. I'd like to know where Ezio was headed to when he got on that ship.
I'm sure Ubi will put in some of their best writing chops for the last half of the game. I'd like to know where Ezio was headed to when he got on that ship.
A "Templar Stronghold", to get the last seal of Altair. It says so in the commentary version of the demo.
I'd like to know where the stronghold is, though. It's probably a mission like Vienna in Brotherhood.
I'd like to know where the stronghold is, though. It's probably a mission like Vienna in Brotherhood.
Might be, although it could be Cappidocia. We don't know if it's a free-roam area or just a mission area yet. I tried asking Ubigame on Facebook. He said he couldn't talk about it yet.
I'm sure it's not a free roaming mission, but we'll see.
Just something to note, it looks like Ezio can assassinate from a full hanging position now. It's at 4:51.Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think you could do that before.
You couldn't do that. This is a new move that Ezio can do.
Also, did anyone notice that the commentary says this happens halfway through the game, and that it also says Ezio's about to get his last seal? Does this mean that getting whatever Altair locked away is not going to be the end of the game?
Yeah i noticed it.
It would be really cool if getting the last seal won't be the end of the game, i just hope Ubi has made a nice story on Revelations.
maybe ezio dies and like red dead redemption the son or doughter will seek revenge.
or at the stronhold is half the game
I'd love the son/daughter ending, but then it would be a rip-off of RDR. And the stronghold as half the game would seem a little much unless it's a whole new city to explore.
didn't they spoke over a underground city at e3
Not sure about E3, but it was mentioned in the game informer article.
that would be so cool
I'd love the son/daughter ending, but then it would be a rip-off of RDR. And the stronghold as half the game would seem a little much unless it's a whole new city to explore.
I didn't say it would be the entire other half of the game, but there's obviously going to be an introductory mission to Cappidocia, even if it's not a free-roam area. That could be what he was heading towards.
"Also, Ezio can now attack while moving, without interrupting his course, the result is spectacular."
That was one of my ideas that I posted in one of my AC3 threads.
Sold, GOTY.
: P
"That word"
superawsomepiccool better
superawsomepiccool better
Has anyone notice that in the cinematic trailer, where Ezio stands on the platform... any significance?
I'll give you a pic.
Notice how theres three platforms in the masyaf tower.... Altair stands in the 1st. Ezio 2nd. 3rd? (maybe)
Umm...I don't get it. What about the 3rd platform?
Ah, he's saying that they're ordered in the order of Ancestor. Maybe it's symbolic of the nexus, which is of great significance to people living hundreds of years apart from each other, somehow.
Oh, okay. lol
that makes alot of sense so maybe in AC III the assassin will go to masyaf?
I think they would have stressed it a little more. Maybe Desmond at some point, but not likely the 3rd ancestor will.
Well hopefully not.
I think they would have stressed it a little more. Maybe Desmond at some point, but not likely the 3rd ancestor will.
that makes more sense!!
I think I've realized what I like about the camera angles for kills: they don't cut to a dramatic angle, they MOVE and zoom in to one.
Only the Air Assassination seems to still cut to a different angle, which I'm more OK about, since it's a freaking air assassination, and deserves respect. : P
on my 45th time watching this trailer i noticed ezio never used his sword....WTF !!!. he would have never broke his hidden blade in the first place.
Double hidden blades are better than a sword. With a sword, you have to use your gun to even come close to killing as fast.
Anyone knows what happened to the original Assassins' insignia in Masyaf ?
It looks like this in AC1 :
but is gone in the ACR trailer :