The 'random events' idea reminds me of the Random Ped missions in GTA 4. If they' re anything like that I would love to do them.
They should be a great addition.
Obviously I haven't been keeping up like you guys have but the impression I get from Game Informer is that all our questions will be answered with Revelations. So is that going to leave a final episode of AC as strictly Desmond fighting the Templars with all the knowlege he has amassed? Will that be a 4th and final AC?
Obviously I haven't been keeping up like you guys have but the impression I get from Game Informer is that all our questions will be answered with Revelations. So is that going to leave a final episode of AC as strictly Desmond fighting the Templars with all the knowlege he has amassed? Will that be a 4th and final AC?
Not sure if AC3 will be strictly Desmond, but I personally believe that Desmond will be the main protagonist with a few stints as other characters (like all of the others have been; follow one with glances at the others).
It is not the final AC, I remember hearing someone at Ubi joking about how the AC possibilities were endless a while back. Also, with how successful it is, I am quite sure there will be sequels coming out for a long time.
It's going to wrap up Altair and Ezio's story, but there will be a new ancestor. They've said that numbered sqeuels are for new ancestors, they wouldn't have said that if that wasn't what they were planning. I expect AC3 to be much longer, and with gameplay split between desmond and the new ancestor. Hopefully we'll be able to live desmond parts through the animus.
Well as long as this doesn't become Friday the 13th part 75 (and sucks to make a buck) I'm all for it In a way I never want AC to end, but truthfully all good things must come to an end (Like Mass Effect...I am mourning already and 3 hasn't even come out yet
The third one is going to be the next one they make after this since they told us they need a new animus character for the next numbered game, and that this would be the last game focusing on or having as a main character Ezio and Altair.
After that, I expect more. Not with Desmond, but a totally new story arc. And I don't expect it to come too soon after. At least a years break.