Seeing as that Xbox is kind of the go to platform to play Assassin's Creed games, since pretty much every game that wasn't a mobile game is on the system, bar the DS games and Bloodlines, and the previous generation games are backwards compatible if you want to play then over the remasters (even the 360 version of Black Flag!) I'd like to talk about content that was never made available on the system.
As far as I'm aware, there's multiplayer content for II and III that was exclusive to PlayStation and considering that I personally feel that the original version of III is superior to the remaster, several missions related to Benedict Arnold and Ghosts of The Past were exclusive to PlayStation in that version. Other than that, the Aveline mission for Black Flag is still locked to PlayStation, and in Syndicate, the Dreadful Crimes mission pack is also exclusive. Starting with AC Origins, they stopped doing exclusive missions I'm pretty sure, so that's that.
Ubisoft just announced that online services for five Assassin's Creed titles (AC2 through Revelations) will end on September 1:
multiplayer content for II and III that was exclusive to PlayStation
Xbox player here. What did the AC2 multiplayer content consist of? I recall that "Wanted Mode" was introduced with Brotherhood.
It didn't, there were mobile games, Assassin's Creed II Multiplayer and Assassin's Creed Multiplayer Rearmed that were top down but remarkably similar to what we got in Brotherhood, also, there should be an outrage about that decision, it even affects console players, stuff like weapons and Uplay content won't be available anymore. When I buy a single player game I believe in having access to the full game, forever, and all of the content associated with it. When I made that post, all I knew is that there was SOMETHING exclusive to the PlayStation version of II, I think it was related to the connectivity with Bloodlines, but that content did make it into The Ezio Collection via the Uplay Foreign Weapon Collection.
AC2 never had any multiplayer feature. Are you thinking of Brotherhood? Anything that was given to the PS3 version of AC2 was later included in all versions of the Ezio Collection (which goes on sale constantly).