Thought it would be interesting for people to share interesting facts based on the story, glitches and characters in ACII or even AC. A lot of stuff many of you may already know but I just enjoy reading random facts about different parts of the game can't really think of much trivia now but here's one fact
Even after the end of Carnevale and Ezio's involvement in it, the citizens of Dorsoduro carry on celebrating the event.
Also, many of the characters in-game can be classed as Brutes including Mario Auditore, Dante Moro, Bartolomeo, Fransesco Salviati and the Mercenaries as they all fight and wield weapons like the Brutes. This is from the AC Wiki as I can't think of much trivia of my own. Interesting nonetheless.
Rashid ad-Din Sinan [the historical Al Mualim]'s last notable act occurred in 1192, a year after he was supposed to have died - it was ordering the death of Conrad of Montferrat [William's son].
haha nice. Thats the sort of facts I mean. Stuff about the real people the characters are based on etc.
The real Rodrigo Borgia/Pope Alexander VI's last words are believed to have been "Wait a minute" as he died from a fever which caused his stomach to turn to liquid, his face to turn purple/red, his skin to peel off and his intestines to bleed. His body decomposed rapidly and the next day it was presented to the people covered in bruises, swollen and grotesquely out of shape.
Many concepts from Assassin's Creed are taken from the novel Alamut, by Vladimir Bartol. This book offers a [fictionalized] look at the historical Assassins. Things like the method of luring believers in [which is an initiation in the book] with women and drugs, themes, and the Leap of Faith are all taken from the book. Masyaf is mentioned towards the end as the location for a Syrian expansion of the Hashashins.
I'm getting my information from the book "The House of Medici: Its Rise and Fall" by Christopher Hibbert which I was inspired by this game to read. The game's recreation of the Pazzi Conspiracy was remarkably accurate except for one thing: the attack actually took place inside the church during the Mass. The conspirators timed it to occur when the bell was rung at the elevation of the Host, firstly because it would be a clear signal that all the attackers could hear and secondly, because all the congregation as well as the targets would have their heads bowed.
Giuliano de' Medici had almost not attended church that morning as he had been ill with an inflamed eye and an injury to his leg. Francesco de' Pazzi and Bernardo Baroncelli were the ones who returned to the Palazzo Medici to persuade him to attend. As they walked with him toward the church, Francesco put his arm around Giuliano as if to help him walk. In reality, he was checking to see if Giuliano was wearing armor or carrying any weapons.
That's intense Lisa! I hope I can find little facts like these, it makes you appreciate the game more and more, and even some more.