OK so when i first start my x box and play multi player i can play a few games but then after a little bit it gets stuck on 1/6 players!!!!! Someone please help! i tryed for a long time it it still gets stuck on 1/6 players!!
thats because every one is playing CALL OF BOOTY BLACK COCKS
That's hilarious. I totally almost died laughing at that intelligent parody of a video game title.
Anyways, you should just back out of the loading screen and re-pick whatever type of game mode you chose before. This typically means that all the other players except for you has quit the game after it was finished. It takes a while to find another 5 players to start a new game with.
EzioAltiar, I dont really think thats the reason.... But thank you for your help. =]
If anyone would wanna play Assassins Creed Brotherhood with me you can add my gamer tag
Witch is: Gunz0wnz1
The 0 in 0wns is a Zero not a o and there is a 1 at the end.
Thank you =]
JoeyFogey, Thats what ive done but ive been doing that for a hour. Other people have had this problem and have been trying for more then an hour i just hope multi player still works
I added you just now. I'm THB Joey Fogey (if my sig didn't give it away).
Their servers haven't been the best, even on the 360. Every once in a while, it screws up. That, or your connection slowed to the speed of my laptop when I used it during college.
i dont know what it is.... but i turned off my x box and a while later i turned it on, it worked again. But it just stoped working right now.... and yeah i added you also wanna play or something
Well it's Father's Day, so my dad has the living room...but he hasn't been chilling out there for a while. I'll see if I can squeeze in a few games after dinner (which is soon).
I usually get to play most days Mon-Fri after I get off work, and all day on Saturdays. And until I get a new mic, I won't be talking anytime soon. lol
(If we are going talk some more after this do you want to go to the chat room?? (im already there))oh ok and also i don't have a mic either did'nt give me one with my x box.
(If we are going talk some more after this do you want to go to the chat room??)
I feel like I'm being hit on. I'm flattered.
Actually, mah dinner is sizzling now (fajitas!!!) so I wouldn't be able to talk anyways. lol
(5 seconds later) Okay, nevermind, it's ready. Hopefully I can get on xbox afterwards.
Lol Joey.
Come to CHAT people!
Hit468 and I are on the chat.
Lol Ha anyways ok then ill see you on just message me when you go on.
and joey.... COME ON CHAT! please =]
I guess I came in late, because I JUST loaded up chat and no one was there. lol
I'm on xbox if anyone wants to play.
ok well, im in chat again come in
Come to the CHAT. Hit, Joey and me are in it ! Join us !
JoeyFogey please go on chat and anyone else can if they want =]
Joey, I've missed you the last couple days. You haven't been online.
Also, my gamertag is PhiIs1618033
That's two consecutive I's.
Joey, I've missed you the last couple days. You haven't been online.Also, my gamertag is PhiIs1618033
That's two consecutive I's.
I've seen you online, though. Both on THB and Xbox LIVE! XD
We have some good games, though. I'm trying my best to get online as much as possible this week. Just played hit a couple of hours ago. Fun times.
Since I have somehow lost all ability to play the past week (it started with that crap-ass game I played with you), I've changed tactics: uber-offensive. Only like 4k points per game (if I'm not playing better than normal), but I'll take anything over 2.5k each game.
I think i currently average 4k - 7k depending on how many roof runners there are.
Who's up for a game?
Check post time. I'll be on for the coming hour or so.
If I can get home in the next hour (unlikely) I'll play a game with you, Phi! Sadly, my ride is working overtime. Ugh. -_-
Hey ill play with you guys to my gamer tag is :Gunz0wnz1
The o in 0wns is a zero not a o and at the end there is a 1 thanks
Not to brag (okay, a little) but a few months ago, i was playing Escort and everyone on my team quit. I stayed. I ended up winning by myself against 4 players going after 1 VIP. AWWW YEAAHH
OH WOW nice Joey, though i'm not surprised seeing how you played yesterday NICE =]
I think it was luck, and I know I can never do that again, but still. XD
Are you serious? you totally owned me and my brother i got a few lucky kills but if i didn't you'r score would have been way higher then just 4-6k
I should start training people when I get my new mic. Haha
Oh Speaking of that (i have two things) did you read the comment i sent you? and also since i didnt have a mic i was somehow trying to get a hold of you to ask you something so i tryed sending you a message when you were on the other side of the map then, all i typed was wait and then i died xD
Lol yeah I got it, but was going to message you when I got on my laptop, since my phone can't do my reply justice. I'm headed home now, so I'll give you some secrets in a little bit.
Done! Hopefully you'll be able to use those tips.
And I'm not up for playing anything tonight. Just got home from work. Only 3 hours until I get ready for bed and the day that follows. Ugh.
Wow thanks dude for the tips they really help hope to play with you again some time soon =]
I'll try to squeeze in some time to play more than an hour. I'm always free on Saturdays (all day long).
ok sweet me and my bro will then defiantly be online to play with you on saturday =]
gl (though you'll own us)
We'll be on the same team. Lol
oh lol hey joey, can you play right now or...
Nope. Overtime at work (again)
Finally home. I will most likely be able to play tomorrow night (later than usual), but still free all day Saturday.