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Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood fully synchronized in 4:05:30

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Fed981's picture
Joined: 04/12/2011

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[Front-paged. -stabguy]

Hello guys, as you probably know already I've been planning this run for a while and now I'm done with it. So I'll just let you enjoy the videos and copy the general comments I sent to SDA too!

part 1 / sequence 1 & present 1
part 2 / sequence 2
part 3 / sequence 3
part 4 / sequence 4
part 5 / sequence 5
part 6 / sequence 6
part 7 / sequence 7
part 8 / side stuff 1
part 9 / side stuff 2
part 10 / side stuff 3
part 11 / side stuff 4
part 12 / sequence 8
part 13 / sequence 9 & present 2

the playlist

Welcome to the speedrun of Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood, 100% synchronized, in 4 hours, 5 minutes and 30 seconds. It was recorded between November 12th, 2015 and February 18th, 2016.

I wish to address many thanks to MAGLX, Ectortutu, the whole team from TheHiddenBlade, the SDA team, and all people who supported me when I recorded.

Nota bene: the in-game time isn't increased during the present parts, nor everywhere you can't pause and watch the stats, for example all the loading screens. The run was recorded on PC with a Logitech controller, with almost all the settings put to the maximum (except antialiasing). The resolution I chose was 1600 by 900 and I recorded at 60 frames per second.

Category note: as my previous any% run, since I wasn't using an SSD, Ezio couldn't gallop with a horse in Rome, so it should be treated as separate category. In this game, 100% means to fully synchronize the DNA; this includes the main memories with their optional objectives, but also the war machines, the secret locations, the templar memories, assassinations, guild memories and courtesan memories. The Da Vinci's disappearance DLC isn't included but it still allows to get 10 hidden gun bullets instead of 6.

The main difficulty in the planning of this run was the money. In a single-segment run you would get it on different occasions, in addition to looting and selling the shrunken head on the way to La Volpe in sequence 3. Here instead, I use the gambling game available in the guild. Another big issue is that it's much faster to do the side memories using the replay mode, since it allows you to warp, but then you don't get the corresponding reward.

Anyway, in my opinion, what you will watch is the most optimised order of the memories, within 122 segments appended to 13 videos. There are two ways to end a segment: first by quitting to Windows (only when a checkpoint is registered) and second by going to the main menu, which makes the game to save. To perform warps or reload a checkpoint inside the replay mode, I switched outfits (between Altair's and the traditional one).

One last thing before going into details: the hyperblending glitch. I use it a few times in the run, and it allows you to go everywhere while staying hidden from the guards. Basically, you have to blend with a group of people and get on a non-standing surface (ladders, water, horses, any climbing element, etc...). Given you stay on those non-standing surfaces, you will be hidden; if you walk (without high profile) out of the group but still trigger the glitch, it's then called superblending.

Final stats:


- synchronization (%) 100.0
- time played 04:05:30
- distance covered (m) 61223


- deaths 0
- favorite weapon hidden blade
- enemies assassinated with the hidden blade(s) 210
- air assassinations 14
- double air assassinations 0
- longest execution streak 15
- enemies killed in fight 517
- enemies poisoned 11
- enemies shot with the pistol 51
- enemies shot with the crossbow 53
- disarms 3


- height climbed (m) 1198
- distance covered on ground (m) 24915
- distance swam (m) 255
- distance covered on horseback (m) 21085
- distance covered on gondolas (m) 288
- distance covered with parachute (m) 46


- time spent blended 00:09:07
- times notorious 12
- borgia couriers killed 0
- courtesans hired 1
- mercenaries hired 3
- thieves hired 0
- courtesans guild challenges completed (%) 36.66
- thieves guild challenges completed (%) 24.72
- mercenaries guild challenges completed (%) 44.2


- money earned (florins) 99778
- money spent (florins) 74066
- fight winnings (florins) 0
- fight losses (florins) 0
- hazard game winnings (florins) 15590
- hazard game losses (florins) 0
- paintings collected 6
- weapons collected 2
- armor pieces collected 1


- borgia towers cleared (%) 16.66
- shops rebuilt (%) 12.96
- landmarks owned (%) 0.0
- borgia flags removed (%) 2.97
- feathers collected (%) 0.0

Assassins guild

- call assassins triggered 51
- enemies killed by assassin recruits 237
- assassins recruited 12
- assassin recruits killed 0
- contract assignments completed 0
- assassins sworn in 0


- memories fully synched 51
- memories of christina completed 0
- assassination contracts completed 12
- thief assignments completed 10
- courtesan assignments completed 10
- memories relived 0

Double McStab with Cheese's picture
Double McStab w...
San Diego, CA
Joined: 03/29/2012


Time for Guinness to shoot another video. Wink

Because I'm too lazy to look it up right now, I have two questions:
1 - What was your any% time for ACB? (That was your first run, right?)
2 - What segment and time is the stupid tank war machine mission in? I want to be sure to watch that.

“Force has no place where there is need of skill." Herodotus

Double McStab with Cheese's picture
Double McStab w...
San Diego, CA
Joined: 03/29/2012

Answered my own question. Tank mission is in part 8 about 8 minutes in. (for anyone else looking)

Also, my favorite part of that mission wasn't the tank stuff. It was the sprinting through the opening tail. Big smile

“Force has no place where there is need of skill." Herodotus

Fed981's picture
Joined: 04/12/2011

The (old) any% run is the one I made after Revelations, and the time was 2:23:41.

Bye the way, this run is available for verification on SDA Smile

Fed981's picture
Joined: 04/12/2011

So this doesn't deserve a front page? I'm quite sad right now :/

Double McStab with Cheese's picture
Double McStab w...
San Diego, CA
Joined: 03/29/2012

Oh. It for sure does. And I'm sure it will be there soon. Big smile

honestly though, I never visit the front page. I have the new posts page bookmarked. Wink

“Force has no place where there is need of skill." Herodotus

stabguy's picture
Honolulu, HI USA
Joined: 09/15/2009

This will be front-paged by the end of the week. I'm working through a backlog of good videos and want to give each one at least two days on top of the front page. Currently it's EctorTutu's speedrun of Rogue.

You won't even feel the blade.

Fed981's picture
Joined: 04/12/2011

All right then Laughing out loud

Double McStab with Cheese's picture
Double McStab w...
San Diego, CA
Joined: 03/29/2012
stabguy wrote:
This will be front-paged by the end of the week. I'm working through a backlog of good videos and want to give each one at least two days on top of the front page. Currently it's EctorTutu's speedrun of Rogue.

With the overall forum slowdown, have you thought about front-paging only one thing a week? In weeks where 4 good things get posted they (the runner's up) can be added to a fill-in queue for the weeks of zero worthy posts/videos?

Edited to add: It might encourage more video sharing in hopes of getting that illustrious front page post. For an alternative view, currently, almost everything posted makes the "front page" and maybe (I don't know if this is true, someone speak up) people purposely aren't posting things because they aren't "worthy" of the other things getting posted. I doubt this is a real concern.

Just a thought. Of course, this might make sense if there were more videos being posted. Wink

Another random thought: when was the last Member of the "Month" ??

“Force has no place where there is need of skill." Herodotus

aurllcooljay's picture
At Where else?
Joined: 06/13/2010
Double McStab with Cheese wrote:
Another random thought: when was the last Member of the "Month" ??

Years ago.

Fed981's picture
Joined: 04/12/2011

Again I'd like to remind you that the run needs verifiers on SDA...

Fed981's picture
Joined: 04/12/2011

And now, the run has fallen into public verification... Please help!