Which character do you like better?
I might have to pick Altair. I personally didn't really care all that much for Ezio at the beginning of the game. He became a lot cooler as he matured, though. And by the end, he's awesome and his combat and weapons are much more advanced than Altair's. But I think I'd still pick Altair just because of his personality and how he changed from being arrogant to being wise. It was an interesting way to develop his character.
Sometimes I miss AC1 when I play AC2, but not always because of the character himself (although I think Altair is terribly cool with his silent killer persona) but I'm not sure I can go back to the slow climbing and lack of high assassinations that Ezio can do (although I miss the deaf archers sometimes..lol). It's almost even in gameplay itself but the lack of challenging missions in AC1 puts AC2 above it. Without writing a paper comparing the two, they both have their positives and negatives.
Without writing a paper comparing the two, they both have their positives and negatives.
I think you should write a paper.
lilkody wrote:
Without writing a paper comparing the two, they both have their positives and negatives.I think you should write a paper.
Ahaha! that's YOUR area of expertise Asaic...go for it! lol
Have to say Ezio. Also, lilk just get the Altair suit from uPlay
While playing through both games, I found that I was starting to like Ezio a lot, maybe even more than Altair. But then I read the codex and I found that Altair is a much more complex thinker than Ezio is.
And then I remembered why I loved Altair so much, he didn't need all of the things Ezio does. Ezio needs two blades, multiple swords, a gun, smoke bombs, an expansive collection of throwing knives, armor, poison, and to be allies with the most intelligent and powerful people in Italy. Altair didn't need anything fancy at all. He went to work with a sword, a short blade, a handful of throwing knives, and one hidden blade. He didn't brag, he didn't ask for a reward, he did what he believed was just, and he did it well. VERY well. Altair is the definition of an assassin. He's a pure assassin. Ezio is more of a pimped assassin. You give Ezio everything Altair had, put them one on one in the fighting ring at the Villa, and Ezio would have his ass kicked so badly he'd be running back to Maria and Mario faster than he could say "Resto nella pace" (which is the actual way to say "Rest in Peace" in Italian).
Bottom line, as a character and as an assassin, Altair is my favorite.
Have to say Ezio. Also, lilk just get the Altair suit from uPlay
Have it
Ezio is more of a pimped assassin.
Hah! I agree with that! Remember that conversation Ezio and Maria had outside Leonardo's workshop?
Ezio: "I have plenty of outlets..."
Maria: "I meant besides vaginas."
Anyway, I'd have to agree with FLAE. I like Altair best. Altair was more significant, he made more of a mark on the world... Ezio seeks revenge, while Altair seeks justice. Although Ezio does have some cool gadgets
The original is always better, if you want someone who is more appealling and with a little bit more personality, pick Ezio, but just like FLAE said, Altair didn't need all the gadgets Ezio had, he was a powerful assassin without any tool, just pure skill. Anyway, the are both great.
BTW, did anyone notice that when you wear the Altair outfit you actually BECOME Altair, and your second blade is removed?
BTW, did anyone notice that when you wear the Altair outfit you actually BECOME Altair, and your second blade is removed?
What?! No it isn't. I'm wearing Altair's armour, and I still have my two hidden blades...
He's talking about the Altair Outfit, not Altair's Armor. Altair's Outfit is literally just a reskin, so you're playing as Altair and not Ezio.
Dont Know Why u guys choose ezio or altiar u get to be both in AC2
Dont Know Why u guys choose ezio or altiar u get to be both in AC2
I think the intent of the post was what CHARACTER did you like most, not what LOOK you liked most. Naturally the thread digressed a bit but the main point was really which character appealed to you more.
Ezio is cool in his own way, but reading through the Codex pages and most importantly after playing Bloodlines I say Altair Definitely...! =D
I love how he is in Bloodlines, Philosophical and full of wisdom but still got the skills~ xD
Plus he looks cool with a Goatee...! >:3
Altair get's a goatee? You just convinced me to buy the game. lol
Goatee?!!!! I wish I had a PSP.
Altair get's a goatee? You just convinced me to buy the game. lol
Goatee?!!!!I wish I had a PSP.
Yup, here's a pic for him... =D
Don't feel too left out, guys. Bloodlines is a pretty awful game. IMO anyway.
I liked it! IGN and Gamespot (and Asaic) got it wrong. It was too short though. And it was definitely no substitute for the console versions, but it was a good game, for PSP at least.
I liked it! IGN and Gamespot (and Asaic) got it wrong. It was too short though. And it was definitely no substitute for the console versions, but it was a good game, for PSP at least.
I completely agree with you, it was something I enjoyed playing on my PSP whenever I'm out... =D
Sure it had some things I didn't like, but I sincerely enjoyed playing it and few games on my PSP has left me with this feeling... x3
haha, I'll have to pick it up if I see it cheap.
I got the Assassin's Creed Bloodlines package with a PSP this Xmas from hubby (with the white PSP all sparkly and cool ). I haven't had a chance to get too far through the game but so far, I'm very interested in the story, very non chalant about the character himself. British sorta accent, totally different face, none of the 'silent but deadly' persona that made Altair so cool. It's just not the same guy at all. That bugs me alot. But the 'Maria' story is the main concern so I'm willing to overlook what I consider it's downsides.
I saw the pic of Goatee Altair posted by Vhan and I lol'd at the graphics.
They're so incredibly bad hahaha.
I saw the pic of Goatee Altair posted by Vhan and I lol'd at the graphics.They're so incredibly bad hahaha.
I agree that the PSP Altair looks NOTHING like the AC1 guy and Gameinformer gave the game a 6.5. It's pretty bad I guess, but like I said, I've only got a little way through the game. I just hope Bloodlines gets me from wanting to kill her to fucking her on a tower
I got the Assassin's Creed Bloodlines package with a PSP this Xmas from hubby (with the white PSP all sparkly and cool). I haven't had a chance to get too far through the game but so far, I'm very interested in the story, very non chalant about the character himself. British sorta accent, totally different face, none of the 'silent but deadly' persona that made Altair so cool. It's just not the same guy at all. That bugs me alot. But the 'Maria' story is the main concern so I'm willing to overlook what I consider it's downsides.
They gave him an Arabic accent, that's not British(Or something that would pass off as one I believe... xD; )... .__.;
Much better then that American one in AC1, pissed the hell out of me... D:<
And I actually like how he is in Bloodlines, he's a leader now so he's more wise then he used to be in AC1...
If there's one thing that annoyed me about the game, it's the camera... xP
Seriously, the first part of the game I was like RAGE most of the time to look around though I got the hang of it later... xP
But this is getting a bit off-topic so I'll shut up for now... xD;
All in all, I still prefer Altair over Ezio... :3
But the 'Maria' story is the main concern so I'm willing to overlook what I consider it's downsides.
This was the same for me. But since I couldn't bring myself to play through such a terrible game, I simply read the entire story synopsis here:
Would have saved me money had I found that first.
That didn't really answer any of my questions...
It sounds like the game was a complete waste of time.
It sounds like the game was a complete waste of time.
It certainly was to me.
i found someone who apparently uploaded the whole game on youtube. i'll probably just watch that, atleast until i'm bored
Guys let's stick on topic shall we...? :3
Just make a topic for Bloodlines if you wish and talk it out there... xD;
So, anyone else has something to say about the whole "Ezio or Altair" topic...?
Lucy Stillman. Nuff said.
And NOT because she's voiced by Kristen Bell.
I honestly think she's the most bad-ass woman in a videogame since Lara Croft in Tomb Raider 3.
As for the whole Alty vs Ezio scenario.. I really like them both.
They're both assassins, so their story about hardships, discovery, mystery and "knowledge that increaseth sorrow" is amazing.
lmao, pimped assassin. That's a good one!
It's hard to pick one over the other for me. I'm leaning more towards Altair though. He has a more calm deamenor, introverted and a deeper thinker than Ezio is. Even though Ezio's abilites are more advanced, I like Altair's fighting movements (and style) better. The way he moves is more, I don't know how to put it... more fluid.
But I still like Ezio a lot too. He's more relaxed, less tense and a little more care free. He's the type of person I would rather go to town and have fun with rather than a mission though.
If I can overlook Ezio's naive adolescense and skip right to Revelations, his charisma still bugs me. Even though Altair lets his emotions out, they mostly have to be inquired about in some way whereas Ezio likes to open his mouth just a tad too much for my liking. Or I guess I could say that I don't enjoy his interest in sarcastic banter.
For me, the idea of a vengeful angry son would be met with a sobering and undignifying death, due to errors made in his arrogant, simplistic and emotional actions. Altiar had very few of these. The only issue that I can think of with Altair was his headstrength, (like Ezio) but he cut the nonsense out early on, something ezio didn't do and it is proving to be the deciding factor for me. I think Altair was a better assassin and for that, he is my choice of the two.