The list of Achievements/Trophies for Black Flag has been revealed.
Obviously, some of these may contain spoilers - though I read them and couldn't really discern anything except for gameplay spoilers. Maaybe the very last Sequence's achievement gives very little away if you've read Forsaken. If you haven't, no biggie.
I have a few I want to discuss.
"Devil of the Caribbean":
Defeat all 4 Legendary Ships
- Maybe some kind of Optional Bosses? I dig it.
Visit every location in the game.
- I've actually been itching for an achievement/trophy like this for a while because I love exploring Assassin's Creed's worlds. Ashraf Ismail has said they're "pushing exploration" which is absolutely amazing. This one will surely take a while.
"Ghost in the Machine":
Hack 15 computers in Abstergo Entertainment.
- Ubisoft has said there will be points where the Protagonist gets contacted (in secret) by Modern Assassins and start to think too much for his/her own good. I thought there might be fun stuff to do in the Modern Day, but FIFTEEN computers to hack, AT LEAST? Oh yes. Ohhh yess.
There are also these to consider;
"Hungover" - Wake up in a haystack -10G
So this is the surprise that Ashraf Ismail was talking about, what happens when you take too much rum.
Seeing a list like this really gets me pumped to finally play the game.
Thanks for posting, DAZ. Any word on whether the computer hacking will be similar to the glyphs/rifts from earlier games?
Those puzzles were always some of my favorite parts.
And correct me if I'm wrong, but weren't there achievements for unlocking 100% of the maps in the various locations in ACIII?
Those were Tyranny DLC achievements, I think. The fully exploring the cities achievements.
Those were Tyranny DLC achievements, I think. The fully exploring the cities achievements.
Yes, now that I think about it, you are correct.