i just got the very last achievement like an hour ago. anyone else got it all yet?
Yep, a few weeks ago. I didn't have much trouble with any of them, despite expecting several of them to be tough.
That said, I have zero intention of repeating it on the PS3 version. The lousy performance of that version really turns me off from playing it.
Not 1000/1000 (yet) but I just want to add my thoughts:
I really expected Assassin's Creed 2 to have way more collectibles. I mean 100 feathers compared to 420 flags and 60 Templars is a huge difference. I'm actually dissapointed. I'm currently having a blast finding everything in Assassin's Creed.
i got mine to 1000/1000 recently too and i thank asaic for the last one i got
and i thank asaic for the last one i got
Which one was that again...?
I hit 1000/1000 about a week ago
So you guys got all the templar lairs involved with the pre-order maps and codes and everything?
So you guys got all the templar lairs involved with the pre-order maps and codes and everything?
They're not necessary to get the 1000 Gamerscore. All you need for that is to get all of the achievements.
<---Epic fail..I don't get it
I don't get it
Your current gamerscore on AC2 is 880, lilk. To get 1000 you will need to earn the following achievements:
Perfect Harmony
Tint your clothes with those colors: Wetland Ebony and Wetland Ivory.
Street Cleaner
Hide 5 dead bodies in a Bale of Hay.
Messer Sandman
Stun 4 guards at once by throwing sand in their face.
Kill 10 enemies while remaining in conflict without being hit.
Sweep 5 guards at once by using a Long Weapon.
Vitruvian Man
Unlock all 20 pieces of Subject 16's video.
In Memory of Petruccio
Collect all the Feathers.
Show your Colors
Wear the Auditore cape in each city.
Got Platinum maybe a week and a half ago
I really expected Assassin's Creed 2 to have way more collectibles. I mean 100 feathers compared to 420 flags and 60 Templars is a huge difference.
There's also the 30 Codex pages and 8 statuettes. But I think the big reason for the difference is just how unpopular flag-hunting was in general.
Greyjeth wrote:
and i thank asaic for the last one i gotWhich one was that again...?
the auditore cape one
Got it, and honestly, I think that the feathers and statuettes weren't really that hard.
The hardest achievements for me were Messer Sandman and Sweeper. I must've been pulling my hair out for hours trying over and over to get those. They're really based entirely on chance because of the position of the guards.
I only found 66/100 feathers this time, but I admit it wasn't my goal throughout the entire playthrough to find them or I would have worked hard at it. I guess considering that, it probably isn't too terribly hard to get them all (although I dread when I get to 99/100....then I'll go crazy). I haven't tried using the maps yet.
I did get all the glyphs this run through and only sought help on one of them (the 19th)..the rest I figured out myself. WOW! That was an interesting eye opener
(although I dread when I get to 99/100....then I'll go crazy).
it's not that bad this time. the game lists how many you got from each district, so if you get 99, then you just have to check around 8-9 flags.... i mean feathers instead of all of them
lilkody wrote:
(although I dread when I get to 99/100....then I'll go crazy).it's not that bad this time. the game lists how many you got from each district, so if you get 99, then you just have to check around 8-9 flags.... i mean feathers instead of all of them
Oh it does? I'm such a dweeb.
Just got 1000/1000 tonight. Sweeper gave me some pains
Finally after 3 hours of extensively exploring Italy I managed to get all feathers, making me able to finally join the club. I don't know why some of you say Messer Sandaman is hard, is really simple. The hard one is Sweeper, I hate that achievement even more than the Synapses glyph.
I finally got 1000/1000 on December 30. My last achievement: Red Light Addict. I prefer Ezio to do missions solo, so I rarely hired any help during the game. To get the achievement, I found two sets of Courtesans and ran back and forth between them - hiring them and telling them to wait. A poor way to spend money on Courtesans.
I finally got 1000/1000 on December 30. My last achievement: Red Light Addict.I prefer Ezio to do missions solo, so I rarely hired any help during the game. To get the achievement, I found two sets of Courtesans and ran back and forth between them - hiring them and telling them to wait. A poor way to spend money on Courtesans.
I did the same, but the two groups weren't so close together. They were at opposite corners of a rectangular city block, so it took some time to keep doing the laps.
Where did you find the pair of courtesan groups close together? That info should go in the upcoming achievement/trophy FAQ.
How do you get Sweeper? I've been trying, I picked up the long spear one guard had and there was a group of 4 guards but it only knocked 1 over.
How do you get Sweeper? I've been trying, I picked up the long spear one guard had and there was a group of 4 guards but it only knocked 1 over.
It's a matter of getting them all close enough to you and getting the sweep off before getting hit.
I found the best place to do this was in Forli. Plenty of guards all over and a few really narrow alleyways to bunch them up. I got Sandman that way as well.
You also don't need all 4 or 5 in one sweep, as long as they're all on the ground at the same time at one point.
I found the best place to get both achievements is in Venice in front of St. Marks Basilica. The brutes are all over the place and there's a seeker nearby for an easy spear pick up. The reason brutes are good is that they attack slowly so picking up sand or readying a sweep is easy. You can bunch them up against a wall of the Basilica, on the bridge nearby, or in the small alleyway behind the viewpoint in front of the Basilica. Sometimes while gathering sand you can even unintentionally dodge a brute's axe attack because you're bending down. That's the best way to get both achievements, IMO.
Got my Platinum last night. Sweeper took me quite a few tries. Some idiot kept spastically pressing square and impaling all the guards.
I'm so close 5 more feathers and need messer sandman
Oh, I never posted thanks Asaic, it's been a good while now, but I am one of the 1000/1000 club.
I didn't even know this was here. I only have 1000 of AC2 but only need a few more flags in AC1.
I've had AC2 done for quite a while now. I think I completed it all early this year.
Got my Platinum for ACII a while ago but then of course lost it due to my stupid PS3 breaking on me and having no PSN account.
Slowly working towards it again though. Got my new PS3 yesterday and I'm already on 28% I think...?
And ACI has no Trophies for the PS3. I wish they had patched every single game. I have so many old games
Didn't know there was thread for this but i got my 1000g quite a while ago. Think the Sweeper was the hardest one to get cause it takes so long for the attack to charge up.
I'm still kinda disapointed there were no new achievements for Seq 12 & 13. The only thing motivated you play the DLC was if you were curious about the story gap near the end.
I have to renew my membership XD
I recently went back to my old Xbox Live account and haven't got 1000/1000 over there.
I finished getting my platinum AGES ago, I think after a month from getting the game... xD;
I'm got 100% in both games ages ago too, PLUS got every single treasure box. Match that!!
I'm got 100% in both games ages ago too, PLUS got every single treasure box. Match that!!
...I did... XD
Oops! Not every flag in AC1.
Got all of them! I made a new account and it took me 18 hours to get them from start lmao the hardest one I thought was sand man, but I got mad and punched a guard then immediately thru sand and got it
Got my 1000/1000 a few weeks ago, actually. My first 100% complete game, too XD
thanks to every one
, for all your tips and tricks to get my
000/1000, Now i'm Master Assassin.
Sorry to drag this thread up again but I finally earned by Platinum back again! Woo hoo!
It took me 18 hours this time compared to roughly 30 the first time
Pretty Good Patrick... Yeah I got the Platinum in August and every so often I played on my new file....
Before AC:B tomorrow I think I will go through the Apennine Mountains' one more time and also get on the Flying Machine' In Forli which is like my Favorite city in AC2 like Acre in AC1
Pretty Good Patrick... Yeah I got the Platinum in August and every so often I played on my new file....
Before AC:B tomorrow I think I will go through the Apennine Mountains' one more time and also get on the Flying Machine' In Forli which is like my Favorite city in AC2 like Acre in AC1
Haha. Thanks. It helped that I'd done it once before so I could go throught the story quicker and I knew exactly how to earn each trophy again
Sounds fun! There's nothing like a bit of reminiscing before embarking on a new, mysterious and pretty epic adventure
Just got all the achivements ... stupid messer sandman...
... talk bout being fashinably late to the party...
fashionably late? this may come as a surprise to some, but i havent gotten 100% in ac1, ac2, or acb.
not surprising much, Ian. I dont have 100% in ac1, i do in ac2, but not ac:b and i never intend on 100% in acb
i havent gotten 100% in ac1, ac2, or acb.
That is kind of surprising. To be fair, AC1 for PS3 didn't have trophies, so it's not clear what 100% would mean for you.
The only things I had left for AC1 was collecting all the flags. That was before I even heard of THB.
Im on PS3 but collected them anyway. I have 1 flag left in Jerusalem, no idea which one it is... really cbf getting it but it does kinda tick me off that I got all the other additional memories yet one says 99/100
Maybe I will replay it... after all I sadly have no vids for AC1
Just got 1000/1000 on AC1
Got 1000/1000 on AC2 like a year ago and I nearly have all achievements for Brotherhood 1230/1250. Just need to get Extreme Variety and the Untouchable bonus, I think.
I also have 1000/1000 on AC1.
Just need to get Extreme Variety and the Untouchable bonus, I think.
Extreme Variety is all I need. I was planning on getting my 2 friends to help me get it this weekend. Now my goal is to get every achievement in every AC game that comes out.
Extreme Variety is all I need. I was planning on getting my 2 friends to help me get it this weekend. Now my goal is to get every achievement in every AC game that comes out.
Send me an invite if youre playing I haven't been able to find somebody to play with in a long time.
Btw, is it me or is there something wrong with the dates in the post?