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100% achievement completion!

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Calvar The Blade's picture
Calvar The Blade
Joined: 11/21/2010

FINALLY got the last multiplayer DLC achievement, so now I have all 64 achievements! Was a pretty fun ride, a few really hard ones but nothing unforgivable. Anyone else finished all the achievements and trophies?

the posts a bit guy

Double McStab with Cheese's picture
Double McStab w...
San Diego, CA
Joined: 03/29/2012

I'm missing a single multiplayer achievement.

- 20 revive actions with a new character

I'm not sure how i don't have this one... all i use is the captain hook guy... does it count wolfpack revives? I mean, it should... those revives count in the multiplayer counters for unlockables.

If I cared, I'd play more multiplayer and get it though.

“Force has no place where there is need of skill." Herodotus

Calvar The Blade's picture
Calvar The Blade
Joined: 11/21/2010

That was MY last one too! Want to play wolf-pack together and let me get stunned so you can do it? That's the way I got it done.

(though I had to play actual games with people who were trying to play properly and bait them into getting stunned by the AI : P)

I'm on 360 at "Civona Deflagre"

the posts a bit guy

Double McStab with Cheese's picture
Double McStab w...
San Diego, CA
Joined: 03/29/2012

I played for like 3 hours of wolfpack one day with JoeyFogey and revived him so many time I must be like 2 away. haha

“Force has no place where there is need of skill." Herodotus

Calvar The Blade's picture
Calvar The Blade
Joined: 11/21/2010

Ah, well you can get those last two easily with any unsuspecting player by fooling him into thinking you're going to help him take out two targets, heh.

the posts a bit guy

JoeyFogey's picture
Indianapolis, IN
Joined: 02/16/2010
Double McStab with Cheese wrote:
I played for like 3 hours of wolfpack one day with JoeyFogey and revived him so many time I must be like 2 away. haha

I remember you saying you needed that one, so I intentionally got stunned so you could revive me. I'm surprised you don't have it yet.

I'm getting online now if anyone wants to play.

PSN: JoeyFogey

Steam: JoeyFogey

Instagram: thatsketchyhero