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Red-Handed - Assassination Variety Pack

IanXO4's picture

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Poetic Justice
Kill the target with the shovel that the man was using to bury his fiancee (or wife... he contridicts himself in the dialog). The shovel is an improper weapon that Ezio carries as a backwards mace, i.e., Ezio points the shovel in the wrong direction, even when sheathed.

The shovel is typically dropped when Ezio starts to sprint, free run, or climb. You can get the shovel to roof level by tapping jump when Ezio is pressed against a wall. Ezio drops the weapon as he grabs the roof above, but the weapon is often dropped near the edge of the roof, which allows the weapon to be picked up again at roof level.

When you spot the target, the camera will zoom to her, and she will start running to a waypoint on the arch above. The game forces you to drop the shovel after the camera zoom, but you can pick it up again. Intercept the target on the roof and kill her with the shovel. If you don't have any other weapon in your sheath, the game will force the shovel into the sheath in the memory corridor, and you will be able to use the shovel later ("Elm Street Effect").

Point Blank Spear
This is similar to the previous clip, except that you throw a spear at close range. You can obtain a spear from a nearby patrol. Get the spear to a higher level by pressing against a wall and jumping. The spear will often be dropped at the edge of the higher platform, allowing you to pick it up again.

The goal is to aim the gun across the target's path and shoot her as she runs across. You can start aiming the gun before you have even spotted the the target.

Parachute Drop Assassination
You barely have time to use the parachute in this mission because the target immediately flees to roof level. To complicate matters, you can't steer the parachute when the camera zooms to the target, so you have to steer quickly before the camera zooms and immediately afterward. Flying with the parachute will also cause the civilians sitting at the nearby bench to stand up. Use this to your advantage... The target will often bump into one of the civilians as they stand, causing the target to stumble. This buys you a few precious moments to drop down from the parachute and make the kill.

Long-shot Poison
In AC2, you lose your lock on the target when he/she is more than 30 meters away. When using the hidden gun, however, your aim on the target is preserved as long as you continue to hold the shoot button. The same is true in AC Brotherhood, for both hidden gun and poison dart.

The target always flees along the path as shown if you start aiming while standing in the same spot as shown. You desynchronize at a distance of 50 meters, but you should shoot the dart a little early (don't shoot at 49 meters) because the target still moves away from you after getting hit.

Jedted's picture
Old Bridge, NJ
Joined: 01/17/2010

You probebly know this already but i managed to drop down next to the target from the arch above and was able to kill her just as she started to run. Wasn't quite a "kill em where they stand" assassination but i thought it was a pretty fast kill. Cool

Arrrogance's picture
Joined: 06/30/2010

not sure if you know this, its useful for sprinting long distances with weapons such as shovels or spears. When you pick up a weapon off the ground, and immediately break into sprint, you can sprint while keeping the weapon in ur hand.

Like when you pick up the shovel, if u hold high profile and legs down while ur picking it up, ezio breaks into sprint when he picks it up, and it remains in his hand. You can jump about and do any parkour move except climbing or anything that uses ur hands, small but useful i suppose

IanXO4's picture
Joined: 10/08/2009

yes, thanks for mentioning it! i am aware of that trick, but i forgot to use it. i even contemplated re-recording parts to show it, but i decided against it in the interest of time. (i have less time now to game, so i'm not as picky about my performances.)

161803398874989's picture
Joined: 12/13/2010

Nicely done. Still not much of a Brotherhood fan, though. In any case, it's good that comments are enabled now, unlike on the Brutes and Brutality mission. Tongue

Really liking the poetic justice approach. Maybe more targets can be handled this way?


"Betraying the Assassins is never good for one's health."
"Well, neither is drinking liquor, but I'm drawn to its dangers all the same."

IanXO4's picture
Joined: 10/08/2009

maybe. "firing range" comes to mind, if anyone wants to try it. there may be an opportunity for a long shot with the hidden gun.

aurllcooljay's picture
At Where else?
Joined: 06/13/2010

There's also the blacksmith target. He supposedly kills people with a hammer, but he has a bearded axe when you kill him. So you can either do a long range throw with an axe, or just run to him and kill him with an axe, or disarm him and kill him with his own axe.

Jedted's picture
Old Bridge, NJ
Joined: 01/17/2010

I was replaying this mission a few days ago and i thought i'd try and eagle strike on her but no luck. I had her all imobilized too but for some reason it wouldn't let me perform an air assassination, seems kinda weird that they wouldn't allow that on any paticular target.

aurllcooljay's picture
At Where else?
Joined: 06/13/2010
Jedted wrote:
I was replaying this mission a few days ago and i thought i'd try and eagle strike on her but no luck. I had her all imobilized too but for some reason it wouldn't let me perform an air assassination, seems kinda weird that they wouldn't allow that on any paticular target.

I remember for another templar target you couldn't air assassinate him either (think it was the guy who pushed people off roofs). To get full synch you have to kill him with the hidden blade, so I guess Ubisoft did the same trick that they did with Francesco de Pazzi in ac2 (he's right next to a haystack so no wonder you couldn't perform assassination techniques on him).

Arrrogance's picture
Joined: 06/30/2010

Ian ian ian, always the creative one. I've gone through every mission to try and look for variety pack possibilities, but no good. Of course you figure something out (:

PatrickDeneny's picture
Joined: 05/24/2010

Some really genius stuff once again, Ian. Nicely explained again too Smile

I particularly like the point-blank spear and poison longshot. Both very different but very cool, and bloody lethal! Crazy

It seems a bit strange that she follows one path which goes past the place you will most likely be standing, as you come from that direction and will probably climb up there.

Still, makes her easier to kill and opens the mission up for some nice methods Laughing out loud