In this video i show new stunts and some tricks on Bernardo Baroncelli
Hey, that was pretty good. You found a way to make him flee without desyncronizing. And it appears that you also do a turkey shoot on him. Your videos seem to get better and better.
Those are some really good finds man. I have a question, can you do this to other characters? I want to try some stunts on some contract targets but they dont inspect dead bodies and if i drag them out of the city they still run, does that smoke grenade trick work on most targets?
Update: It works on contracts. This is a really cool trick, I found that if they run too far away, they teleport back to where they started and carry on normally. Mind if I make a video on it? I have a few ideas to go with this.
Not to take anything away from Altair92 and this excellent video, but Ian used a smoke bomb to the same effect in his video 96 Meters + 117 Meters. He explained, "The smoke bomb scares Silvio into fleeing without him seeing you. This is important because, if Silvio engages with you at all, you will be held to a maximum distance of 80 meters from him as he flees."
Oh, im also working on a video where I get massive shot thanks to this, was around 180 meters I think in Tuscany
Not to take anything away from Altair92 and this excellent video, but Ian used a smoke bomb to the same effect in his video 96 Meters + 117 Meters.
Hmm... I didn't know that Ian has discovered it first, but in any case nobody applied it to Bernardo before me.
However in this video i think that i'm the first to find out how to immobilize a fleeing target with a smoke bomb...
Anyway i'm glad to see that you all appreciated it
very nice job. i suspect that you can exploit the smoke bomb trick to kill bernardo with "there is no bridge" or similar. anybody want to try this?
You could do it to any target I suppose, lure them onto the bridge, immbolise them and run away facing them, might try it later
Update: Just did no laughing matter, where you gotta assassinate the 3 Harlequins. I immobilized all 3 on the same bridge, ran away with the camera facing them and they all died.
hahaha nice!
Hey I recall in one of Ians videos he poisened some guy in Tuscany and simply ran away. When he got really far he skipped the memory corridor. Anyway wanna try this with Bernado? You could also do it with some of the targets in Bonfire of the vanities, il probably rent out the game again to try out new tricks on them