It's an honor for me to introduce the first Featured Member of the new year, Aurel (aurllcooljay)! Here are some of his thoughts about Assassin's Creed:
Tell me about the first time you played AC1 and/or AC2.
I remember hearing about AC1 from some people and saw a video about it on Youtube (I think it was the E3 demo). Being one of the first games I played for the XBox360, I had never seen a game like it before. It took a short while to get used to the controls though.
Before AC2 came out, I watched nearly every video there was on youtube about it. But how I came to play it came as a surprise. You see, I share the XBox360 with a few people. One day I saw them playing in Acre... Then the scene with Altair and Maria started, and I'm thinking, "Is this some sort of expansion pack?" So I was basically rickrolled.
What do you like most about the games?
The best things about the games are its unique features (freerunning and climbing, battle system, the idea of social stealth, use of the hidden blade, and so on).
What is your favorite style of assassination?
In terms of which assassination I like to use the most, the double assassinations. You just can't beat those. In terms of which assassination is the coolest on a target, I can't say I have a favorite, just favorites. I prefer the epic kinds, the kinds I do for my videos: Eagle strike, blitz, dynamic stunt.
What is your favorite quote from the games?
The quote I like the most, because it really intrigued me (partly because I didn't know what it meant) is:
La shay' wakion motlak bal kollon momken. But thanks to the linguist video I know it means "Nothing is true, everything is permitted". Of course it's just a saying in the game and should never be taken literally.
What would you like to change about AC?
I have my own ideas for the game (probably should post them in some of the topics), but for the most part I would just leave the game as it is. However, one thing I don't like that I would most certainly get rid of is the conspiracy theory. Now I know that Ubisoft wasn't trying to offend anyone, but I just don't like what the game considers to be the truth, even if it's in the name of fiction.
What AC accomplishment are you most proud of?
Of all the exploits and accomplishments I've done the Pazzi Conspirators Superfast Blitzes is the best yet.
Are there any philosophical aspects of the game that intrigue you?
Yes, there are a lot of ideas and thoughts that intrigue me and make the game interesting at the same time. In AC1 Lucy says what the templars are doing is good, but how they do it is what makes them bad (or something like that). In AC2 Antonio states the true nobles are mercanaries, thieves, and courtesans. And the game gives a different look at history itself.
Is there anything else you'd like to add or promote?
The AC games are short, but they're worth replaying in creative ways. Don't just play through the game once and leave it at that. Try to do as much as you can in the games to get good hours.
Which Assassin's Creed game is your favorite: AC1, AC2 or AC:B? Why?
I just happened to start playing AC:Brotherhood a few hours before I read these questions, but I think it might be my favorite because of all the fun options available in the game.
When you're not playing Assassin's Creed, what other games or activities do you enjoy?
Assassins Creed takes up a lot of my game time, but I try to find some time for other games. I'm playing final Fantasy 9 right now, and I've played a little of Final Fantasy 13 and Modern Warfare 2 recently. I also hope to play some of the Splinter Cell and Metal Gear Solid games. Besides video games, I also enjoy nerd fighting. There are different names for it, but the kind I play is called Dagorhir. It is based more on fighting than live action role playing using foampadded weapons.
Is there a question that you would like me to ask the next featured member?
How about their favorite weapon/armor/dye color/target/places in the game?
And here is a question from the last featured member, DAZ:
Have you attempted any of the actions shown in Assassin's Creed games (parkour, climbing, murder, etc.)? Where, why, how?
Well, as I've mentioned ealier, there is Dagorhir. I fight in a park about once or twice a week (pretty fun imitation of actual fighting with weapons). I've also fooled around with assassinating/gentle pushing/pretend freerunning with other people who also play AC (just for the fun of it). I even climbed a short balcony by jumping at it and grabbing the bars. (I could never run up a wall or kick off a wall - I'm just not brave enough for that.)
And also anyone can call me by my real name: Aurel. It feels great to be featured, like I'm being promoted in some way. If this website ever sells stuff I wouldn't mind buying a shirt or hoodie with the words "I got featured on" written on the front of it.
Since Mcstab and DAZ are interested in how I feel about AC now, taking the liberty to re-answer questions.
Tell me about the first time you played AC1 and/or AC2.
A recap of my AC history: played AC1 the year after it came out and loved it. There was a problem with the Xbox 360 where it wouldn't read the disk shortly after playing, so I had to wait a while to finish the game. When I was finally able to get on again, it was an adventure waking up early in the morning to play. But because of the delay I forgot about some subtle story elements (in other words, what's that glowing orb Al Mualim is carrying around?).
Then the AC2 trailer comes out. It was so different from what I thought a sequel would be I didn't know what to think. I remember during this time I was looking up AC videos, which eventually led me to THB. Later a wonderful demo is shown, that brought on well-deserved hype the game deserved. And AC2 lived up to it in every way possible and more.
The next year we hear about another game coming out later in the year. To us that meant not having to wait another whole two years and more gameplay videos. Well, it was fun playing as Ezio again and seeing familiar faces, but at the cost of losing so much charm. I still stand by what I said about it being worth it.
When Revelations came out, we had lowered our standards, and rightly so. The game felt rushed for all the different features it had. It also felt like an experimental game, with all the different bomb effects.
It's just a few months later that we hear about AC3. Finally we have a new assassin. There's also a completely revamped system in combat and controls. So naturally we become more hyped. After patiently going through the long tutorial of the first sequences, we finally get to experience the game in full. Heavily scripted assassinations, less button options, a map cluttered with missions and objectives. It was a big mess; shortly afterward I played some AC1, and it felt so organized in comparison. It may not deserve it, but I consider AC3 to be the worst and lowest point of the series.
After hearing about a pirate-based sequel focusing more on naval gameplay, I didn't want to have anything to do with it. This can't be a good game! Well, good thing I was able to borrow a copy, because Ubi actually manged to make ship riding fun and fix/improve what was wrong with assassinations and other gameplay. Faith in humanity restored.
Now that the PS4 and Xbox One were made, the company goes the path of releasing two games for the current and next gen console. Rogue appeared to be a continuation of AC3 and 4 while Unity looked like a throwback to what Assassins Creed games were and should be. Last chance, Ubisoft, don't screw it up. The assassination themselves were and still are pretty good. Having to use the hidden blade, the hardest combat so far, freedom and opportunities, these were some things that outlined a true hardcore AC game. Now there were a bunch of nasty glitches as well as limitations in the game (so the game won't let me do a side jump from this wall to that wall because it thinks I can just get there from another place. Grrr), but at least its heart was in the right place. And besides that, I sprinkled the holy water and declared it clean. You can't just undo that.
So now that two games were released simultaneously, there's no need for another one next year. Let's just sit back and- wait, what do you mean Syndicate?! Okay now, I have since come to terms of large companies and their soul-selling money-making policies, but even from a business perspective, it doesn't make sense to create more products than it's consumers can be expected to keep up with. And any true fan would want to invest themselves in the story. It's not like the current players are just interested in fighting and assassinating and grapple hooking til the next game and not caring about depth and story, right? Right?! RIGHT?! That's how I feel right now; it's getting overwhelming to support the franchise year after year in the hopes it will get great again.
Thankfully, I have been assured by some of you Syndicate is better than it seems. Good thing too, because I was sure they would follow the pattern and mess it up with less of a focus on assassinations.
What do you like most about the games?
To elaborate on my former answer:
freerunning and climbing: Back in the day I've felt lucky to play games where you have the ability to jump, but running across beams and climbing up architecture takes it to a whole new level.
use of the hidden blade: Before AC, Splinter Cell was the only game I can remember that I could take down an enemy instantly without having to shoot him or damage his health, although it wasn't easy to pull off. A hidden blade put's the life of an unaware enemy literally in your hands.
battle system: Finally a fighting system more organized than simple swing and hits, plus blocking makes it so you usually don't have to worry about dying like in most other games. And like the hidden blade, actions that can kill opponents, and in a cinematic camera shot. Made full use of counters, and now I've really implemented combos into my combat.
the idea of social stealth: Haven't played many stealth based games, and even then it was all about hiding from enemies, so it was a relief to walk past guards without having to fight for your life. And the realism of being among a crowd of people while a guard wonders who killed his ally.
The design of cities is another. I didn't know the cities were actually modeled off the real life ones, but even then there was something special about them. In games the designs of buildings and other backgrounds were just there for looks, but when you can climb up a high tower and view the place from above, it puts so much depth into design.
What is your favorite style of assassination?
Not any particular kind. I'd put it into two groups. 1.The kind that's hard to pull off and requires expert strategies, mostly stealth kills like exterminations and Mysterious deaths. Then there's complex stunts/stylish assassinations. 2. What the game developers hoped you wouldn't be able to do. Kill targets before their appointed time or some other crazy thing that involves AI/game mechanics.
What is your favorite quote from the games?
Still is Altair's Arabic phrase: La shay' wakion motlak bal kollon momken.
What would you like to change about AC?
The situation with the AC series is like a TV show that was meant to have only about five seasons, and instead they beat around the bush and stretched it out to over double that because of money milking (just think of Smallville). What's bad about that is when it finally comes to an end, there is no closure or any chance of, and the fans will hate it, unlike if they take it slow. I'm hoping some high up will realize that and make the decision for there to be a one two years in between games (except for side sequels since it would make sense to wait only one year to continue the adventures of an established character). During that time they can release a big DLC for the current game and a small teaser in the next year's E3 to keep hype up.
Secondly, I would shy away from what the "truth" says about people's beliefs. Sure this is a work of historical fiction developed by a multicultural team of various faiths and beliefs, but you can go only so far in the name of fiction, and when you see a glyph depicting the Crucifixion of Jesus, with a text implying Templars took the Apple, you know you need to back it up.
What AC accomplishment are you most proud of?
How about being around here for over five years, posting over 200 videos, and putting up with all your shenanigans? The highest accomplished moment I can think of in the games is killing all the basic story targets at the Costello.
Are there any philosophical aspects of the game that intrigue you?
The fight between Assassins and Templars throughout history and the way they do things is certainly intriguing. When playing AC3, some other players got to the part you find about Haytham being a Templar before me and said there was going to e a plot twist that will change everything. From what I hear I somehow figured out it was a possibility Haytham could be a Templar, but even if I hadn't, it wouldn't have surprised me that much. Those two factions have much more in common than they don't. Many people say Assassins aren't necessarily all good and Templars aren't the bad guys, and I would agree if it weren't for one thing. The way Templars achieve things is by ruling over people and forcing them to, while the Assassins do not exercise rule over anyone. They are there to make sure large corporations and societies don't get corrupted, because when they do, that's when the Assassins truly live up to their name.
Is there anything else you'd like to add or promote?
It's been a fun ride. Not much hope of us becoming rich and famous, but as Jim Carrey said in Dumb and Dumber, "there's still a chance." I hope we can get on track by collaborating once more (not that we don't, just more of future projects) and holding chats, at least once a month.
Which Assassin's Creed game is your favorite: AC1, AC2 or AC:B? Why?
AC1 and 2 are nearly tied, but currently AC1 is. The experience from both games is just... Golden. I still think both are worth as much now as they cost at release.
When you're not playing Assassin's Creed, what other games or activities do you enjoy?
If I had many hobbies besides gaming, I wouldn't be here. The LARPing I had done, Dagorhir, ended a few years ago due to people losing interest. There is another kind I have done since then, but not much. And to answer GopherBlaines question, I haven'r seen Role Models, but heard the fighting in it is more RPG based. Another thing I had interest in is fanediting movies (making different versions of movies), but that's tedious and time consuming. So I mostly play video games and lurk on the internet, mostly Youtube, IMDB, and other sites of games and movies.
Is there a question that you would like me to ask the next featured member?
Since this had already been answered, what I would like to know from everyone is how they first came to THB and other AC forums, especially AC_Maps. I only got to read some topics before they became inaccessible. Would be nice to know how things were in AC's infancy.
And here is a question from the last featured member, DAZ:
Have you attempted any of the actions shown in Assassin's Creed games (parkour, climbing, murder, etc.)? Where, why, how?
Sorry to say haven't done that much lately. One thing I sometimes do at work is slide along the floor with my slippery shoes when reaching a destination in homage Arno's sliding in Unity, although for me it's usually several inches.
I would like to know from everyone is how they first came to THB and other AC forums, especially AC_Maps.
I first went to AC-maps for the flag maps, of course. My computer and Xbox were in different rooms so I printed hard copies of the maps and would run back and forth if I needed to see a screenshot. There was a link that said "Forums" and I'd sometimes wonder why a site like this would even have a user forum. Was there really that much to say about these maps?
Around the time I collected my last feather, I finally took a look at the forums. There wasn't just one forum but rather 10 or 12. One was about the maps, another about Assassin's Creed, and the rest weren't about the game at all. The topic that inspired me to create an account was about all the dead bodies lined up outside of Acre. Nobody had adequately explained them. I had recently read about the Siege of Acre and wanted to share my findings.
It may not deserve it, but I consider AC3 to be the worst and lowest point of the series.
From a gameplay and freedom point of view, I agree completely. From a protagonist point of view, I'll even give you that.
From a fleshing out the story point of view, AC3 is the only game since the original to really humanize the Templars and flesh out their stories fully before you get to the stabbing.
ACB: "Borgia's are bad, lol"
ACR: - well, I don't even remember this one -
AC:BF: "i'm a pirate, i do everything for money and that's it" (that got old so damn fast)
ACU: "you killed me, but should also kill him" on and on
AC3 is the best game in regards to the treatment of the antagonists. Hell, you as a player recruited and trained them when playing as Haytham! You see that they aren't necessarily "bad."
There were just so many other damn problems with AC3 that people forget the story telling that was accomplished in there.
Oh yearh...good interview Aurel.
Have any of you guys seen the movie Role Models? Is Dagorhir anything like the Lair in the movie?
Intrestingly enough, I enjoy these stalker interviews. lol
Thanks for doing this, Aurel. I've really been enjoying your videos and so it's great to get to know you a bit better as well!
Intrestingly enough, I enjoy these stalker interviews. lol
Now we know what Stab and Ian do in their spare time. (Stalkers!)
Thanks for doing this, Aurel. I've really been enjoying your videos and so it's great to get to know you a bit better as well!
Great to know people like my videos as well as liking to know me as a person. Thanks for the -->
It tastes good.
Wait.... I feel woozy. Poison!
*going berserk* What was it all for? (Wait, you're the one who steals souls aren't you?)
That was great. It made me lol. Very good use of Smileys lol.
So when we run out of regulars, will Ian and Stab interview the stalkers?
Ian and I are the stalkers.
Yes, you guys seem to stalk me. I mean seriously guys, every fking place i go.. feathers! don't you run out of these things!?! Feathers in my pillow, in my frikin bird cage, and even my fucking back yard! ....just kill me already, enough with the feather torture
Ian and I are the stalkers.
(Evil music) DUN DUN DUN!!!
Dagorhir or whatever it is sounds VERY interesting. I wouldn't mind giving that a try myself. Can you tell me any more about it or, like where I can find people willing to do that? I mean, I've never done it before and I'm interested in giving it a shot. Also nice interview!
Well here is the official site
Just look up the locations.
Dagorhir or whatever it is sounds VERY interesting. I wouldn't mind giving that a try myself. Can you tell me any more about it or, like where I can find people willing to do that? I mean, I've never done it before and I'm interested in giving it a shot. Also nice interview!
Thanks! You might have to do some asking around to see if there's anything like Dagorhir (or Dag for short) nearby. It's usually done in parks (just look it up on youtube). I'll see if I can find out more.
Congratulations Aurel! Another very interesting read