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The Early Death of The Templar Grand Master in Sequence 6 Memory 1

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aurllcooljay's picture
At Where else?
Joined: 06/13/2010

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Sequence 6 Memory 1 the Jacobin Club

In this memory you tail Le Touche, who is joined by four other Templars: La Peletier, Marie, Rouille and Germain.

In the Huddle

While tailing Le Touche you can use blending to get really close during his early conversation with Marie and Le Peletier. You can also enter the room upstairs undetected when Le Touche and Rouille come out (if your fast enough you can reach the window before Rouille throws the victim out, but there is nothing you can do about it. That scene is also shown in Rouille's memory scene, but one big difference in that is the window is closed in the flashback scene.

Early Death

At first I tried getting Le Touche, but the game recognizes him as a tailing target throughout the memory and desynchs you. The closest I got was berserking him before he enters the two rooms, but the effect is cancelled when he is animated for the non-cinematic scenes. The others are invincible to attacks, except for Germain.

Long story short, Germain can be shot down from below in the basement before Le Touche and Rouille enter the place (after that he's invincible). Germain also spawns when they enter, but that doesn't change the fact that he was killed early. Berserk darts and poison bombs have no effect on him, and cherry/smoke bombs don't draw any attention.

Calvar The Blade's picture
Calvar The Blade
Joined: 11/21/2010

nice job! I really enjoyed this mission, but definitely wished I could have taken some of them out then and there.

the posts a bit guy

aurllcooljay's picture
At Where else?
Joined: 06/13/2010

I admit Ubisoft stepped up their game, or they would have all been pre-killed. Tongue the funny thing is I didn't reach his actually assassination when this was recorded.