During the assassination of Hope Jensen.
At the start of the chase, veer left to vault over the railing instead of running into the cloud of gas unleashed by Hope. An agile guard will try to tackle you, but you'll almost always make it over the railing before that can happen.
Once outside the gate, an assassin stalker hiding on a bench will come after you, so be prepared to assassinate. From there follow the target on ground instead of taking the rooftops, where you'll always be behind her. An agile guard might still be following you, in which case sleep dart him.
Take the path in the video to reach the haystack the target uses to transition to ground level. Keep in mind Hope's immune to ranged weapons until she stops running and goes into fight mode.
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An assassination using fire in AC Rogue.
Fires of Retribution
During this assassination, fires are burning in and around the fortress. In order to use them against an enemy, you have to find a way to keep him near one for a short amount of time. In this case, the target actually climbed onto a burning crate. If I remember correctly it was Kesegowaase himself who set the fires, hence the name "Fires of Retribution".
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[Front-paged. -JoeyFogey]
In the James Wardrop assassination.
Early Death
Near the beginning you observe Benjamin Franklin giving a speech. Guess who's also attending? AC3's Templar target William Johnson.
Ranged weapons have no effect on him, and you can't get close enough to assassinate without starting the scene. Actually there was one time I was scaling the building and the game let me air assassinate him, but all other times since then I was never given the option.
Berserking a civilian might lead to Johnson's defeat, but the NPC will have to be pretty close to him because of an invisible barrier. The civilian might also attack one of the other civilian's, although it's usually Johnson they go after.
Of course he respawns for the scene, but the same can't be said for all the civilians who got spooked away.
Dead on Arrival
Assassinate the target James Wardrop as soon as he appears. First you have to kill a messenger before he reaches the target, or you fail the mission. to do this right you have to delay the messenger's death so you can get inside the fortress and lay wait for Wardrop.
It was during this I discovered you can pick up sleeping bodies in Rogue. Carry the messenger as far as you can on your way to the inside to avoid getting too far away. The messenger will continue his roue to the front door. Once inside make your way along the roof to the front and berserk him.
Now wait in the tall grass. At first I tried killing all the guards inside, but that was overwhelming with such short time. So I chose to make the fight each other so I wouldn't get noticed. Holding down , Shay will kill the target as soon as he spawns.