Before I lay out how multiplayer should work, let me make something clear. The last time I made this topic on AC-Maps it got besieged by posts saying why it wouldn't work. I only want multiplayer ideas please.
Anyway there's been some speculation over whether or not AC3 will have multiplayer. Ubi has said it's a possibility, but it would take some work. This topic is mainly for multiplayer brainstorming, but I already have a lot of ideas, as well as a system for how multiplayer would work.
The two "c's" of multiplayer work like this:
Combat (self-explanitory)
Competition (races, etc.)
Combat Games:
Deathmatch (2-12 players): Deathmatch operates like a giant, free-for-all sword fight. The melee weapon you get is based on your rank and exp. you have earned (explained later). To avoid long matches, RT (defensive moves) can only be held for 1 second and then turns off for 10. With the right timing, counters, dodges, grabs, and others can be performed. Each player has eight health bars, and the last man standing wins. Being a free-for-all match, anything goes inside the fighting ring, including stabs from behind and stabs on the ground, so watch yourself!
Team Deathmatch (6-12 players): Team Deathmatch has the same structure as regular deathmatch except with the additional element of teams. A team of Guards can take on a team of thieves, or a team of Assassins can battle a team of Mercenaries. The game is simple, and the last team standing wins.
Assassin's Challenge (1-4 players): Essentially the firefight of Assassins Creed. The player starts out unarmed with waves of guards approaching following the killing of another wave. As the waves progress the weapons become more advanced, the guards become smarter and more skilled, and the risk becomes higher. There are a total of 50 waves, and medicine cannot be used, nor does healing ever occur. You've got ten health blocks, and whatever damage you take stays with you through the rest of the Challenge. Can you take down all the Templars?
Juggernaut (6 players, inspired by Hewkii9): Five assassins, one target. The assassins race to find and kill the target, but are only armed with their hidden blades. The target has a full arsenal of weapons and a large amount of health. The assassin can win if he is the killer of the juggernaut, and the juggernaut wins if he kills all of the assassins. The combat system in deathmatch still applies, and the juggernaut can be stealth killed, so watch out!
Blade in the Crowd (4 players, inspired by Hewkii9) - Everyone is disguised as a citizen, and must track down and kill the other assassins in the map - however, you revert to being Ezio for twenty seconds after you kill someone, exposing you to guards as well as the other assassins, so be careful!
In & Out (10 players): 9 fully-equipped and swift guards, one hidden-blade only assassin. The assassin enters the city and runs for the target, where the guards already are. The guards do not know where the assassin is, but the assassin knows where the guards are. The assassin has 5 minutes to enter the city, kill the unarmed CPU target in the guarded area, and exit the city. If the guards so much as touch the assassin, then the assassin loses. The guard that catches him wins the match. If the assassin successfully escapes, then the assassin wins the match. If the clock runs out, the assassin loses exp.
King of the Viewpoint (4-12 players): All players start at the bottom of the viewpoint. The first to climb to the top becomes King, and remains king until thrown off of the tower or killed. After falling off the tower, the player is reset and must climb the tower again to attempt to retake the tower. The game lasts 15 minutes, and the player with the most total time as king gains a large exp. reward (deathmatch combat system applies here).
Mosh Pit (4-12 players): A large crowd of people gathers in a wide area and a brawl ensues. Everyone is fighting everyone including you. Most of the civilians are CPU controlled and weak fighters but some of them are other players. Beat everyone to a bloody pulp and be the last brawler standing to win the match.
Time trials (direct, 2 players): Two players engage in a race that was available in the game (for example, in AC2 there were a wide variety of race missions that could be used as courses) and the first to the finish line after hitting all the checkpoints wins. The players cannot engage in combat. The race courses also include Assassin Tombs w/o guards, and the first player to make it to the sarcophagus is the winner. Select viewpoints, such as abnormally tall towers, are also included in time trials.
Time trials (indirect, 1 player): The player runs the course/tomb/viewpoint normally, but tries to get their fastest time possible. Their result is posted on the leaderboards. Exp. is gained everytime you beat your best time. To avoid exp. stacking, a qualifying time must be met first.
Capture the Flag (12 players): Two teams, two flags, two archetypes. The mercenaries stay of defense and guard the flag while the thieves attempt to retrieve the other team's flag. The flag can be placed anywhere in the city, even on top of view points (just remember that mercs can't climb!), and when a thief is on the enemy side of the city, they can't engage in combat against a merc or another thief. If caught, the thief is sent back to the other side and respawns in 30 seconds. Mercs are not allowed to cross the district line and must stay on defense, while thieves can go anywhere. The benefit that the mercs recieve is that if they successfully capture a thief, they can become an assassin and go get the flag themselves, while still having both the perks of a thief and a merc. If the assassin is caught, then after the respawn, they become a merc once again. Theifs and mercs have equal speed, assassins are slightly faster, thieves and assassins can climb while mercs cannot, and climbing with the flag is not allowed. However, jumping and free-running are still acceptable, but climbing will cause the flag to be dropped.
Tag (4-12 players, inspired by Hewkii9): One person is it, and is faster than the other players. Everyone has the abilities of a normal assassin, but combat is not allowed. To tag someone, tackle them. The game lasts for 5 minutes, and everyone but the person who is it at the end of the game gains exp. It's not a lot of exp., but it's a quick and fun way to gain it.
The Eagle and the Apple (4 players, inspired by Sbredflag a.k.a SBZ): One player holds the Apple for as long as they can and try to outrun the other players, who are trying to obtain the Apple as well. The apple starts at a neutral location (say, the entrance to an assassins tomb) and the first player to get their automatically picks it up and scores points for how long they hold it. Players can tackle (once again, no combat) the carrier to take the Apple away, and the person with the most total time with the Apple at the end of 10 minutes wins the match and a large amount of exp.
Those are the gametypes that I believe would be effective in AC3. If you have any suggestions, I will gladly take them into account and provide feedback. Now, onto the exp. system.
In AC Online there are ranks. These ranks are similar to those on AC maps. A new assassin will be given the rank of recruit, while a moderately skilled assassin will be an apprentice or a knight, and a proven assassin can be a silent assassin or a master assassin (Ubisoft devs can chose to be Bureau Management, if they wish ). The exp. you earn not only improves your rank, but also allows you to upgrade your weapons and gadgets for deathmatch and combat games, giving you an edge. Players can also have a custom assassin model, which allows uploading of a face and giving the player full control over robe color, armor (provided enough exp. has been earned), and also robe pattern (perhaps you would like Altair's bathrobe look or Ezio's more cut assassin uniform, in addition to others). The custom model can be used as a character in deathmatch and other non-team/non-faction gametypes. The exp. can also be converted into money for the campaign (but not the other way around). Basically, the exp. the player earns can be spent on whatever the player desires for their model or their combat experience, allowing a further sense of freedom in AC Online.
But of course, I'm just the think tank. This is my dream for how AC3 online would operate, and hopefully at least some of the suggestions would be taken into account. The exp. concept isn't completely necessary, but it would make the online a lot more worthwhile for many players.
Whew, okay I'm finished, now for feedback (and remember, constructive criticism is okay, but advocating why AC3 won't have multiplayer is not).
Great contribution, most of them look seem pretty well developed, but would take a little while to incorporate to the game; I assume you wrote this to fit ACII, but perhaps we will have to wait if it would also be something that can be pulled off right in ACIII
Yep. That's why I put it in the AC3 catagory rather than the AC2. Back on AC-Maps we were contemplating multiplayer in AC2 but a lot of the ideas were overshadowed by negativity as to why online would suck. And now that AC2 is out I find it only fitting that it belongs in the AC3 catagory.
i see you thought this through really well. i think something like that would be pretty fun. however i think you put way to many rules in stuff like capture the flag.
there shouldn't be any difference to teams skillset at all.
I like that you actually genuinely thought this out, as opposed to the multitudes of "AC should have multiplayer!!!one!" type topics that I've seen on other boards.
However, there is one main reason why I'm opposed to multiplayer. Whatever time and resources (disc space/man hours, etc) is spent on multiplayer will inevitably detract from the work on the single player experience, the combination of gameplay and story which has been a focus of the series. You can't add multiplayer without affecting single-player in some way.
I guess I should correct myself, I'm not totally opposed to multiplayer, I just wouldn't pay for it or play it, and would prefer that if they were going to add it, keep it as DLC that is separate from other potential DLC. Don't let it take up space on the disc that could be used for other, more important aspects.
AC CTF would be great, as would AC deathmatch,but only if we had two teams of assassins in a very large map with lots of buildings. You would get points for assassinating other players without them noticing, with the hidden blade.
However, there is one main reason why I'm opposed to multiplayer. Whatever time and resources (disc space/man hours, etc) is spent on multiplayer will inevitably detract from the work on the single player experience, the combination of gameplay and story which has been a focus of the series. You can't add multiplayer without affecting single-player in some way.I guess I should correct myself, I'm not totally opposed to multiplayer, I just wouldn't pay for it or play it, and would prefer that if they were going to add it, keep it as DLC that is separate from other potential DLC. Don't let it take up space on the disc that could be used for other, more important aspects.
Well here's why I don't think that's true. Ubi spent so much money on advertising this time around and spent so much money and development on AC Lineage that if they took all that money from making movies and whatnot, and put it towards developing a multiplayer something like the one mentioned above, then I think a lot of people could be happy without needing to take away from the campaign experience that we all know and love.
You're still not counting disc space and programming/development time for multiplayer modes. For Lineage, they had a separate crew work on that while the rest worked on fine tuning the game.
It's been spoken that one of the advertising gimmicks that is possible for AC3 was that it would be released December 21st, 2012. That's a whole extra year for Ubi to work on developing, and I'm patient enough to wait for the game if they're going to spend a whole extra year making it better and adding multiplayer. They have the money, and they also have the time.
As for disk space, there are two possible scenarios. The first is that the neo-next-gen consoles will be out by the end of 2012 (which is a possibilty, but it's not likely) and the disks for the Xbox 720 and PS4 will automatically be big enough to support the game. If the nng consoles aren't available by the end of 2012, I still don't see disk space being an issue. If Halo 3 can cram a campaign, a multiplayer mode, a theater mode, a custom game mode, and a forge mode onto one disk alone, I think Assassins Creed III can manage a campaign and a multiplayer mode.
Think how long Halo's campaign is, though. And how linear, as well. Not exactly a good comparison for a game like this.
In addition, I doubt they're going to release AC3 in 2012. Near the end of 2011 is my guess. I remember during an interview with one of the developers for PoP2008, they were wanting to release the iterations of each series a year apart in order to prevent sales complications between the two. Other than this new Forgotten Sands game, there hasn't been any news about the follow-up to PoP08, which I'd assume is coming out next December.
Think about it. AC1 came out (in the US) on November 14, 2007. PoP came out December 3 2008, and AC2 came out November 17, 2009. Following the release dates for these, I'd imagine PoP2 will be out December 7, 2010, AC3 November 15, 2011, and PoP3 December 4 2012.
As for next-gen consoles, I highly doubt they're going to be coming out any time before 2012, with 2014 to 2016 the most likely release dates. Remember, Microsoft and Sony are both working on motion control stuff for their systems.
Let's be realistic here, which game is the bigger seller, Assassins Creed or Prince of Persia? And think about this: If they release AC3 in 2011, they're going to be competing with Modern Warfare 3, Uncharted 3, Bioshock 3, Left 4 Dead 4 (pending), and maybe even Gears of War 3. Don't be surprised if the game gets delayed because it happens all the time. The November game list for 2010 and 2012 looks fairly week, so don't count the idea out.
And while Halo 3's campaign isn't nearly as long, you have to think about the other things Halo 3 crammed into one disk. Theater mode's challenging itself, but forge mode is huge and probably takes up a good half of the total disc space in Halo 3. I don't think multiplayer would be that hard to put on a disk, and there's got to be some leftover disk space on the AC2 disk that they didn't use.
AC1 and AC2 both competed with the previous iterations of MW, and still sold awesomely for a single-player game. Fastest selling new IP ever in the US, remember. Nearly nine million copies of the first game sold worldwide so far. Preorder sales for AC2 were up 80% from the first game as well.
Don't get me wrong, I'm open to new ideas and you've really put work into these. But it simply goes against the premise set forth by AC1 and AC2. I just think that a multiplayer functionality for this series is unnecessary and a waste of disc space that could be used for something better.
Well, let's look at what the people want then:
We all want the ability to replay missions, which is a very easy fix.
We all want the ability to pick up enemy weapons and take them as our own, which is also a very easy fix.
We all want a bunch of other little Monday details that are all very easily added for Ubi.
AC1 was a rough draft, AC2 was the final draft, AC3 will be the Published Paper, and multiplayer would be extra credit. Granted, extra credit isn't necessary, but it makes the overall grade much higher, and much more appealing to gamers everywhere.
Do you know why Halo 3 was so unbelievably successful? Not just because the game was great, but because it was released by itself in late September of 2007 as opposed to middle November where it would have competed with Assassins Creed, Uncharted, and most notably CoD4. Halo 3 was the only solid game available, and because it ran unopposed at the time, it seized power and sold unbelievably high.
The same concept will apply for Assassins Creed III pending Ubi does the right thing. Even years in November are always down years because the good games come out earlier. The only solid game released in 2008 during November was Gears of War 2. Fallout 3 was released in October, and GTA IV was released in April. So if AC3 is released during December 2012, it will yield a much higher profit, be a better, more complete game, and coming out on the supposed day the world restarts is a nice little gimmick for the game's storyline.
Much of the multiplayer modes sound feasible, and maybe even likely. However, regarding the December theory, I highly doubt that they would release it 4 days before christmas.
Here are my suggestions, and please fellow Assassins, keep in mind that I am not saying that Multiplayer IS or ISN'T possible, I'm simply stating what I think would be pretty kewl.
1. Leveling System + Pieces of Eden
In addition to being able to gain EXP for killing opponents/completing objectives, and using it to unlock weapons and armor etc, you can also use it to unlock Pieces of Eden (of which there is potentially an infinite amount, Ubi will change the number as they see fit.) which act as Perks (COD4/6) or Boosters (Uncharted 2). These will grant you different abilities and will have some kind of cooldown system. Like killing a specific amount of enemies before you can Synchronize with the Piece of Eden's abilities.
Possibilities include:
Apple: (1) Illusion Field: The user makes the opponent's screen all blue and red (with no loss of health however), like Al Mualim did for Altair, and can escape/attack his enemy. Illusion Field makes the user invisible to all enemies, unless they see him with Eagle Vision (an unlockable ability maybe?)
Apple: (2) (There are 2 possibilities)
[One possibility is]: Restrain: Causes the target to be restrained with a golden light around them, unable to do anything for 3 seconds. Attacking the target does not snap him out of the restraint, so combos are possible.
[Another possibility is]: Illusion Clones : Creates 8 copies of you, capable of doing one eighth of the damage the original user does.
Papal Staff: (1) Levitate: User levitates opponent, who is able to attack and do other actions, but not move.
(2) Symbiosis: Combines with an Apple to create a PoE with both Pieces' abilities. (This is REALLY high rank)
Sword of Eden (this was Joan of Arc's):
(1) Eden Slash: Creates a "wave slash" that travels until it hits a wall, going through all enemies it hits. Takes away 50% health (armor calculated as well).
This is one of the highest ranking Pieces of Eden and it has a 2 minute cooldown.
2. Weapon Upgrades
Weapons could be upgraded, for example, for the Pistol you could need to hold the button down for less time, thus increasing your chances of popping a cap in your friendly assassin before a blade enters your own back.
3. Co-Op?
There could be a Co-Op campaign, or at least co-op missions. Because come on, not everyone wants to stay stuck as an ancestor. Some missions or maps should allow gameplay as Desmond, Lucy, Shaun, Rebecca, Warren Vidic and possibly IanXO4/Stabguy/Asaic, who should be terribly overpowered. Here are their abilities: (joke topic continues from here).
Ian: (1) AI Exploit: Causes a random and crippling effect to the opponent: Pathfinding Error/Unable to Climb/Can't See enemies.
Stab: (1) The Many Ways to Wield the Hidden Blade: Gets a HUUGE counter timing window with Hidden Blades.
Asaic: (1) Deep Wisdom: Playing the game at an almost Zen Buddhist level, he can achieve greater Synchronization and has Twice the health bar.
That's all I got.
Now RIDICULE and CRITIQUE me, oh forum raiders!
WOOOW, great contribution Dark, even the "joke" post seems good, now it seems difficult to be executed, but we will leave that task to the developers.
Thank you, I thought I would be flogged or something for my stupidity.
I quite enjoy these forums.
Do you know why Halo 3 was so unbelievably successful?
Because there are a LOT of people out there who like Halo, not because it was released in September. At least that's why I think it sold so well.
Those are all excellent ideas, even the joking ones. It would be tons of fun to play as stabguy, wielding the power of the Staff and Apple at the same time.
Do you know why Halo 3 was so unbelievably successful?Because there are a LOT of people out there who like Halo, not because it was released in September. At least that's why I think it sold so well.
Those are all excellent ideas, even the joking ones. It would be tons of fun to play as stabguy, wielding the power of the Staff and Apple at the same time.
That was Ian, but I get your point.
Maybe Ubisoft should just list every fun glitch that AC1 and AC2 had, and make a mini game where you had to exploit it. Imagine something for the airwalk (I'm joking, btw)
This is apparently Ubi's prototype multiplayer system for iPod touch:
Assassin’s Creed 2: Multiplayer is a REAL-TIME ONLINE multiplayer game using a WI-FI connection letting you compete against up to 3 other player- controlled assassins.KILL OR GET KILLED
The ultimate goal of the game is to hunt down other players and assassinate them before they kill you.BLEND IN THE CROWD
Escape other players taking advantage of your environments & blending into the crowd of citizens.MULTIPLE ENVIRONMENTS
Play in 3 different environments from Assassin’s Creed 2 inspired by Italian cities from the Renaissance.LETHAL POWER-UPS
Use up to 6 different power-ups to get an edge over your opponents.BECOME THE MASTER ASSASSIN
Increase your notoriety by defeating other players, and fight your way up to the top to become the Master Assassin. The notoriety system uses a dynamic ranking system to position you on the leaderboards.ACHIEVEMENTS
Collect up to 24 achievements and post your records on Facebook.CHALLENGE YOUR FRIENDS
Manage your list of friends and send them live invitations to join your game sessions and find out who amongst you is THE best assassin.
You be the judge, but I like mine better.
Gosh darn.
If Ubi took all their ideas from, the next AC is going to be the best game.. in the world.
Was checking and found this.
Who know, maybe Ubi will shit on that articles reference to AC2, but if multiplayer turns out to be as good as our ideas then it will be simply perfect.
I'm gonna find out who wrote this (I can do that you know) and send them this link, hopefully they reconsider because the game certainly could have multiplayer, you'd just need to think it through. Clearly the guy thinking about this did not. Although let me say that the Hashshashin did often assassinate in groups. Conrad of Montferrat (yes, William's son) is an example of this. I can see where they're coming from, but I think if you review the situation, you can see why AC mulitplayer would be successful.
That's not to say it would be anything Infinity Ward can design. Believe me, if I thought AC could beat out MW2 in terms of multiplayer you'd put me in an insane asylum. I'm just advocating that multiplayer is completely possible if it follows an outline such as the one I've organized.
Fly Like An Eagle should WORK for Ubisoft
So, FLAE did you sent the link to that guy?
Gamesradar has too many US writers that leave their articles as anonymous. They probably learned their lesson after that one controversial article regarding worst game trailers ever that included Halo 3's Believe and Assassins Creed's Teardrop. The guy got swarmed with hate mail and since then most of the written articles are posted anonymously, but it does mention which team posted it. I decided it wasn't worth the effort, especially because a lot of people in the comments are saying why it could work and why they think he's wrong.
Fly Like An Eagle should WORK for Ubisoft
So we got our first hint at what the multiplayer will include for AC2B:
Apparently we get to customize our own assassin and "assassinating style." This is where it gets tricky. If it ever comes to be that clans are formed, you ABSOLUTELY MUST set your clan tag as THB. This is non-negotionable, it is a must, it informs other assassins that you are without question a rightful member of an order with members as powerful as Stab, Ian, Asaic, Rob, Dougie, Myself, etc. And we should probably all party up too so we can dominate
As for "assassinating style," take the words from one of the oldest and greatest members of the creed:
"Do whatever it is you do before a mission, only make sure you do it QUIETLY."
By quietly, I mean stealthily. The last thing our clan needs is for someone to try to go juggernaut on everyone, we need to be efficient, swift, and most-importantly, AWESOME
THB is going to be the best clan in the Game, and our success in multiplayer should result in more traffic for this site. I know we're still well over half a year away from its release (probably) but that's no reason not to start planning now.
If you are committed to the THB clan, roll call! I'll be adding names to the list continuously.
THB is going to be the best clan in the Game, and our success in multiplayer should result in more traffic for this site. I know we're still well over half a year away from its release (probably) but that's no reason not to start planning now.If you are committed to the THB clan, roll call! I'll be adding names to the list continuously.
I'm in, naturally.
As for "assassinating style," take the words from one of the oldest and greatest members of the creed:"Do whatever it is you do before a mission, only make sure you do it QUIETLY."
By quietly, I mean stealthily. The last thing our clan needs is for someone to try to go juggernaut on everyone, we need to be efficient, swift, and most-importantly, AWESOME
Sounds exactly like my play style in Splinter Cell: Conviction. I strive to find the best balance between caution and speed, and it varies by situation. I pride myself in being able to swiftly advance through entire series of maps taking out every enemy within without ever being seen spotted.
I hope Brotherhood is that fun too.
Cool, I just hope that the multiplayer won't be ruined by a bunch of 10 years-old going berzerker. Anyway,, they could be hunt down pretty easily.
THB is going to be the best clan in the Game, and our success in multiplayer should result in more traffic for this site. I know we're still well over half a year away from its release (probably) but that's no reason not to start planning now.If you are committed to the THB clan, roll call! I'll be adding names to the list continuously.
Hey, add me to the list. I don't have any videos to put up to show my style/expertise, but I assure you I'm more than capable.
Apparently we get to customize our own assassin and "assassinating style." This is where it gets tricky. If it ever comes to be that clans are formed, you ABSOLUTELY MUST set your clan tag as THB. This is non-negotionable, it is a must, it informs other assassins that you are without question a rightful member of an order with members as powerful as Stab, Ian, Asaic, Rob, Dougie, Myself, etc. And we should probably all party up too so we can dominate
that might be pretty fun actually.
so far i haven't even bothered to care about this game, but if we could do that, then i'm all in
Amazing idea. I'm hoping anyone on the site can join ? I consider myself to be pretty good at AC
It's open to everyone on the site, but you need to abide by the Creed I established
So, where is this list? When can we expect to see how we'll be grouped and whatnot? Just wondering, not criticizing.
I haven't made it yet, so far it's pretty easy to keep track of who's in since it's small right now, but as it stands:
I assume that stab and Ian will join at some point, and lilkody as well somewhere down the line. But so far a six man squad seems pretty good.
If I see enough gameplay between now and release to make me really want to play, you can count me in. Still have my reservations, though.
that sounds epic. we should make it so that there's at least one person in each squad that can record something, if we can figure out stunts, glitches, etc. I assume that Ian and Stab can do this easily. is there anyone else that can do this every once in a while?
that sounds epic. we should make it so that there's at least one person in each squad that can record something, if we can figure out stunts, glitches, etc. I assume that Ian and Stab can do this easily. is there anyone else that can do this every once in a while?
Every once in a while I might be able to. It's a bit awkward for me though as I no longer have a computer near the TV and have to run really long cables across the room if I want to record. That and I would have to play at a lower resolution and quality, which I'm not a big fan of doing.
Every once in a while I might be able to. It's a bit awkward for me though as I no longer have a computer near the TV and have to run really long cables across the room if I want to record. That and I would have to play at a lower resolution and quality, which I'm not a big fan of doing.
Well, if you're willing, by all means, continue to help us with that. If you get a chance to upgrade, do what you'd be able to, since it won't come out until holiday season. I was going to attempt to get a capture card sometime this year anyways. If I do, I'll make sure to let everyone in my squad know.
Can we make a squad of people who are clumsy and sloppy? I'll join that one!
Well, if you're willing, by all means, continue to help us with that. If you get a chance to upgrade, do what you'd be able to, since it won't come out until holiday season.
If an HDMI capture card would come out for Windows-based systems that did 1080p@60Hz passthrough during recording for under $300 USD, I'd be recording all the gaming I do. But I imagine it'll be a couple years until we see something that good for a reasonable price.
Something else we need to consider is system. Most players can only play on one, and those playing on one will not be able to play with/against those playing on the other.
I doubt I'll be getting this game on PS3, so I'll be a 360 player.
don't hold youre breath though.
i'm gonna wait till i see some gameplay before i even start thinking about if i'm getting it or not
Every once in a while I might be able to. It's a bit awkward for me though as I no longer have a computer near the TV and have to run really long cables across the room if I want to record. That and I would have to play at a lower resolution and quality, which I'm not a big fan of doing.
After watching that video of you curb-stomping the f*ck out of Vieri in priceless HD quality, I REALLY hope you can record. You can't find one of those capture cards on eBay? I would figure you could find a used one for under $300.
You can't find one of those capture cards on eBay? I would figure you could find a used one for under $300.
Hmm, it looks like the Intensity Pro is now Windows-compatible. All Black Magic Design capture hardware was previously Mac-only.
The Intensity Pro is listed as $199 USD. If I can find a dealer that will ship to Canada and not overcharge for shipping, that might be an option. I'll probably hold off until the end of the summer though.
If anybody wants to buy an external USB 2.0 component video HD capture kit, let me know.
How would you record from a PS3? I'll be playing on that, obviously.
How would you record from a PS3? I'll be playing on that, obviously.
You can use either a component AV cable or a composite AV cable to record.
It is the Hauppauge HD PVR if you want to read up on it.
Something else we need to consider is system. Most players can only play on one, and those playing on one will not be able to play with/against those playing on the other.I doubt I'll be getting this game on PS3, so I'll be a 360 player.
Yeah, I forgot about that.
Well, I'll be playing it on a 360. Now we need to make lists on who will be with who on what system! Sorry FLaE, more work for you! haha