This is done by replaying a memory then sign out of that account and go on a lower level account and you will be in the same place as the first account
and have all weapons (hidden blade x2, hidden gun ect.) but if you abort memory you go back to were you were suppose to be and dont have any of the more advanced weapons.
you can unlock achievements and feathers faster.
after you do this when you unlock the posin blade, it will not appear (Either if you do this glitch or if you buy ammo for it.)
but if you fast travel the posin blade will reappear. so really this isnt a bad thing
Wow really nice find there! Just a question about collectables. Can you collect feathers before the mission that unlocks them in other districts?
Anyway if codex pages are unlocked players could get near full health very early in the game. Im assuming this doesnt work for PS3 though
Why wouldn't this work on PS3? I don't think he's talking about signing out from his Xbox account is he? I thought he was talking about the profile in the game itself?
hit, can you clarify for us?
Nice find btw
in the video he switches xbox profiles
Oh, I didn't see the video, mah bad.
Well, you can try switching PS3 profiles
You gotta quit the game to do that, wont work
Yeah true, but the game quits when he switches profiles too (I just watched the video). It's worth a shot at least. I can't play for a while, so someone else will have to investigate.