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[AC Unity] La Halle aux Bles - Ghost (No Kills/KOs, No Detects)

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Leo K's picture
Leo K
Toronto, Canada
Joined: 12/30/2009

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Assassin's Creed Unity
Memory: La Halle aux Bles
Style: Ghost / Non-Lethal / Flawless

Goal: Finish the mission without being detected, without killing anyone, and without knocking anyone unconscious. A phantom. A bedtime story the guards tell themselves at night, a myth. Nothing more.


I believe that this is one of the best-designed missions in the entire game. La Halle aux Bles is inaccessible during normal gameplay. This means it is not part of the open world. That means this location or environment was created specifically for this mission, which is probably why the design feels a bit tighter and stronger, even if the area is a lot more linear.

There's a lot that can be done with this mission. If you're looking for a Reaper video of it, StealthGamerBR has already done a fantastic job of assassinating everyone in here:

If you still want me to make one of my own anyway, to see my take on it, I'll consider it. Otherwise I'll move onto running other missions in either Ghost or Reaper style.

Enjoy, and as always, stay in the shadows and avoid the light.

aurllcooljay's picture
At Where else?
Joined: 06/13/2010
DarkAlphabetZoup wrote:
La Halle aux Bles is inaccessible during normal gameplay. This means it is not part of the open world.

I remember trying to find a way into this place outside the mission and failing. Also tried seeing if I could take a shortcut and climb to the top before having to go through that cutscene, but also failed.