Play along with the video below the map to quickly collect Flags 27-52, Feathers 5-7 and Rifts in Campagna.
If you are looking for a specific Flag, Feather or Rift refer to the following index:
Flags 27-31 - 0:34
Flags 32-35 - 3:25
Flags 36-39 - 5:17
Flags 40-42 - 7:17
Flags 43-46 - 9:17
Flags 47-48 - 13:25
Flags 49-52 - 14:36
Feather 5 - 3:02
Feather 6 - 12:52
Feather 7 - 13:32
Caserma di Alviano Rift - 12:18
Castra Praetoria Rift - 16:25