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JoeyFogey's picture

Assassin's Creed - Bring the Pain
--- promoted to front page by Ian ---
Ian's EDIT: This is a video by Blackc8 on youtube.

Amazing what this guy did. He even had an alternate black-robed Altair. The effects aren't as good as hamps' videos, but he did amazing with what he had. All recorded in-game, it seems. He even pulls off an Eagle Strike!!! Awesome.

Jack-Reacher's picture

ACR Beta - Deathmatch Throwing Knives Tactic

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aurllcooljay's picture

Lorenzo de Medici Scenes Without Ezio in Florence

This is the first of my videos showing scenes without Ezio. And here's how to do it...

aurllcooljay's picture

Sistine Chapel Area Exploit
--- promoted to front page by Ian ---

So when I was playing through the last sequence of AC2 I found this...

Jack-Reacher's picture

The Vanguard (Artifact Assault)

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Here is one of my first impressions of the new game mode and new map.

The basic idea is that each team has a flag in their base that they must protect. They must also go into the other teams base and steal their flag, and bring it back to their base. Each team scores a point for bringing it back to their base. The winning team is the team with the most flag captures.

Hamps's picture

Assassin's Creed: W.A.R

Hey there, long time lurker here. I apologize that I only post when I have something to contribute. But finally, I do. I've been working on this for a while and would love for you all to check it out!

--- promoted to front page by Ian ---

I made a video called Beautiful Lies a while back and posted it here. Ubisoft caught wind of it and really liked it so I thank you for that and hope I can make it repeat.

Altair92's picture

Liquid Gold: Papal Guard Pre-assassination

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---promoted to front page by Ian---

In this video I applied the "Superjump Exploit" (credits to aurllcooljay) to reach the Papal Guard on the platform. The trick is to place a worker under the platform, then use the air tackle to give you extra height during the leap, and then grab the platform surface.

Jack-Reacher's picture

Manhunt (The Sentinal)

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--- promoted to front page by Ian ---

Manhunt has changed a little thanks to the reverse detection meter. I would usually go for 10 silent kills really fast, now its not so easy to do that. Also note that kill streaks are broken by stuns, so if you want to rack up loads of points you gotta change your gameplay to avoid getting stunned. This actually made me want to use my team mates a lot more.

aurllcooljay's picture

Bernardo and Stefano: There is No Stairs
--- front paged by Ian ---

The method of assassination in this video is "There is No Spoon". I use it on the targets Bernardo Baroncelli and Stefano da Bagnone by placing them on a flight of stairs and getting far enough away that the stairs are no longer modeled in the game, causing the targets to fall through the floor and drown.

IanXO4's picture

Silvestro Sabbatini - Assassination Variety Pack

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Drowning the boy does not stop him from crying, and you can still initiate the cutscene after he's gone. This grab-move exploit was originally reported by aurllcooljay. Both he and I independently managed to kill this boy in this way. This is the first published video of a child dying in the Assassin's Creed series.

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